I'm the youngest child of four, and my parents decided to downsize. We’re moving out of our home after 25 years of Kirland residence in it. I just have to say it: it sucks. It’s a day I never expected; yet, it’s a day that’s necessary. I’m the only kid still home and my parents are empty nesters nine months out of the year. It makes sense. Or so I’m telling myself. I've come to terms with it (sort of) and am really proud of my parents taking that next step in their life and starting from scratch. I only hope I can be as brave one day. In the meantime, I'll dramatically grieve and would like to say a proper goodbye.
Dear 8527,
You're all I've ever known, and truthfully, all I ever want to know. You were there for my parents 25 years ago when they were a young couple with a toddler and newborn and helped them build a home.
You watched us learn how to ride bikes, create games featuring Fort Butterfly (because it was the shape the light in the lantern above the door made), and climb into the unlocked, too-small-unbelievable-that-we-fit kitchen window when we forgot our keys.
You became a safe haven for us to cry after a horrible loss, whether it had been on the football field or after a grandfather's passing. You witnessed scraped knees and broken hearts, from breakups after first loves to not getting into our "dream" colleges.
Just a bunch of goofballs in the backyard.
You were sturdy when we had over 100 people at our house every year for a graduation party, for 10 years straight. Yes, those numbers are accurate. You were a shelter through so many brutal Chicago winters, featuring a Polar Vortex and four consecutive snow days in one school year, while also being an air-conditioned sanctuary for 100+ degree summer days.
You were a teacher when patience was tested among sisters sharing a room: Kristin, older and wiser and myself, the younger and sensitive, just wanting to be, exhaustingly, exactly like her older sister. You were a battleground when Kevin and I relentlessly fought, and I mean physically, for years on end. You were a creative space for Billy’s budding career as a screenplay writer back in high school, when working on projects for Latin class. You were support as I watched my siblings go off to college, and then move out, one by one. So many emotions.
Just a little sunny.
Thank you, 8527, for housing so many different family members and friends throughout the years, whether it was a semi-permanent residence or weekend stay. Thank you for dance parties on the deck, movie nights on the cozy red couch, and for the endless amounts of sleepovers with friends.
However, the biggest thank you goes out to my parents (and so many other countless family members massively contributing along the way). You brought us here, and you raised us here. You gave us the best home for us to take our first steps, speak our first words, study for the ACTs, and have the courage to move across the country. You taught us to work hard, and fight for what we wanted, and to party hard when we achieved that. You taught us how to be good people, how to give back and reminded us constantly that family is always the most important thing. Thank you.
I'll never forget all the memories created in your warmth, 8527.
With so much love,