A couple of days ago, levittownnow.com announced the end to a local landmark dear to the surrounding resident's hearts. This house is next to the local Wawa and has been known by many as the never-ending yard. It housed an array of objects from various children's toys to larger objects such as a boat. It was a local landmark meaning that everyone who lived nearby knows exactly what you are talking about when you mention the yard sale house. Several days ago, most of the yard sale objects were cleaned up and are still being cleaned up. It seems like the days of that house's legacy is over. I happen to live near this house. I felt it would be best that I wrote a farewell letter to house's yard in an attempt to me any needed closure.
To the seemingly never-ending yard sale,
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It seems your time has finally come. I can honestly say I will miss you immensely.
For years I would take walks and would see you. When I was younger and bored, I would come up with various stories as to how the yard became the way it did.
You helped out so many people when they were giving directions, both tourists and residents. Without you, take out drivers, repairmen, and ups drivers would not know how to get places. Although I cannot give directions to people by saying "the house with the junk or yard sale," I can still say "the place that used to be the yard sale house."
And although there are no things left for sale, you will not be forgotten.
The girl that saw you everyday