Farewell 2016, Thank You For The Memories | The Odyssey Online
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Farewell 2016, Thank You For The Memories

2016 was a year of relationships and learning.

Farewell 2016, Thank You For The Memories
Taylor Nguyen

Looking back on this year, I realized how much I have grown. I started off the year as a second semester freshman, still trying to find my place in college. In that semester alone, I discovered where I belonged, and who I am as a person. It was in those short four months that I understood more about myself and my beliefs, and finally found my home away from home in Kappa.

That summer brought a lot of memories for me. It was a nice short breather from school and my worries at Creighton. It was a summer filled with exploration. In my first trip, to celebrate a family member’s 25th year as a nun (Congratulations again Sr. Linh!) I found a friend in my little cousin, Nigel (who I finally got to meet! And guys, he’s even cuter in person!) – who taught me that the best way to face adventure is with a little curiosity.

It was in that trip that I made friends with my “family” from a parallel “world”: Taylor and Janice. Through them I rediscovered how much a little faith can do and I learned more about love and friendship. My second trip was a road trip through Canada and the East Coast with my family. It was during this trip that I created life long memories with my siblings. From belting Disney songs in the car to teaching my sister to “roast” people.

Summer 2016 was a big one for me and my best friend, Brianna, too. We started a blog, Just Your Average Misfits, that contains monthly interviews with our favorite local bands and weekly posts by Brianna.

My first semester as a Sophomore was as good as it gets. I was able to be a Beadle to the best group of freshmen and watched as they navigated college. I also received an internship at the SLIC and an Exec position for Colleges Against Cancer and am proudly working alongside people I aspire to one day be.

And, if its even possible, I fell even more in love with Kappa Kappa Gamma. The girls that I so proudly call my sisters show and remind me everyday who I aspire to one day be.

So, with 2016 coming to and end, I hold fondly to the friendships and memories made and eagerly wait for 2017 and the surprises it holds in store.

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