Despite the political world going to shit, 2016 has actually been one of my favorite years. I've grown so much as a person this past year and I'm proud of all that I've accomplished. Here's some things that have happened in the past year that I'm happy to look back on.
1. I got a new job that I actually enjoy
I dreaded going to work when I worked in retail and food, but now I don't mind my job at all. I actually like coming to work. There's something about being behind a desk and actually providing resources to students rather than trying to sell them things that is rewarding.
2. I became an e-board member for a student group 
I'm all for protecting women's healthcare, so I was super excited to become the secretary for MSU's Students for Choice.
3. I moved out of the dorms, forever
I had enough of the dorms after living in them for two years. Sharing a tiny box and eating the same foods over and over just wasn't for me. I was so happy when I moved out for the Spring. Not to mention all the money that I'm saving.
4. I spent a good amount of the summer in Northern Michigan
I absolutely love Northern Michigan in the summertime. I don't think there's a better place to be. I love living in a state with so many beaches and unique cities.
5. I started writing for Odyssey 
I've always loved writing, but I didn't always make enough time for it. I'm glad that now I have to. I'm also grateful that I can write about anything that I want every week.
6. I moved in with my best friend
And it's been working out perfectly.
7. We also got a puppy
I've always been a lover of dogs, but I never knew how much they lighten your life up once you get one of your own. Charley keeps me busy, but he's super cute so it's okay.
8. I got to vote in my first presidential election
And I got to vote for a woman. I also got to help campaign for her prior to the election. I'll never forget the feeling that I got when I voted for her.
9. I got promoted at my job
And I'm super excited for more responsibility and being a greater help to my team. I might be a little bit excited about the pay raise, too.
These were the big milestones, but a lot of little changes happened, too. I've become so much more confident in myself over the past year, and while I always worried about my future, now I'm really excited for it. I know I'll do good things. I've made new friends that I know will be in my life for a long time, and I've stayed connected with old ones. I've reconnected with my love for literature and writing, and have made more time for those things. I stopped only focusing on school and actually had fun this year. I stopped worrying about the weight on the scale and started focusing on how much weight I could lift. I also randomly decided to chop all of my hair off, something that I wouldn't have dared to do a year ago.
2016 was good to me, but it's because I made it good for myself. I made changes that needed to happen and started putting myself first. I'm excited to see what I'll accomplish in 2017.
Farewell, 2016.