In two days yet another year of my life will come to a close while a new year begins. Before I say “farewell” to the last day of being 20 years old, I should note a few things I have become thankful for after this year.
To my twentieth year of life,
I am thankful for the mistakes that I made. Each mistake held a valuable lesson that allowed me to learn and grow.
I am thankful for all of the new people I met and new friendships that were formed. The people I have met during my twentieth year of life have made an impact on me that will last me a lifetime.
I am thankful for the challenges I have taken on. Each challenge I conquer has proven that I truly am capable of anything I set my mind to.
I am thankful for the opportunities I was given. Accepting and embracing the opportunities I was given this last year and the lessons they have provided me with will benefit me for the years to come.
I am thankful for the failures. I continue to learn that when I am knocked down and when I fail, all it takes is the endurance and motivation to stand back up and try again.
I am thankful to have made it to 21. It’s pretty easy to take each day for granted but taking a moment to realize that I have successfully made it to a 21st year of life is truly something worth appreciating and celebrating.
Cheers to 21!!!!