Far Cry New Dawn | The Odyssey Online
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Far Cry New Dawn

An action-adventure first-person open-world shooter set 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5

Far Cry New Dawn
Alex Claycomb

If you are a fan of the Far Cry series, you have probably heard of the newest installment of the series called Far Cry New Dawn. It is considered to be a spin-off whose premise is that it takes place seventeen years after the events in Far Cry 5 in fictional Hope County, Montana. Survivors from "the Collapse" attempt to rebuild their community only to have their efforts challenged by a new set of antagonists known as the Highwaymen, which consist of organized bandits led by twin sisters' named Mickey and Lou.

With no good options on the table, the survivors ultimately form an alliance with New Eden, which consists of the remnants of the Project at Eden's Gate from Far Cry 5. The survivors establish this alliance knowing that New Eden has the potential to be an even larger threat than the Highwaymen.

Upon the beginning of the game, you will start with a brand-new character, one who's gender and race are customizable. There are certain aspects of Far Cry 5 that make a return in New Dawn. Some of the prequel's characters make a return in the sequel, although we are not yet sure which ones specifically. Guns for Hire and Fangs for Hire, which are select human and animal allies you can call upon to lend you a helping hand make a return in this sequel. Liberated outposts become fast travel locations for the player to move to specific locations on the game map quickly.

The landscape of Hope County has been altered due to the nuclear war, leaving some previously accessible areas no longer accessible, and vice versa. In a new mode called "Expeditions", your player will now have the opportunity to travel to other locations throughout the United States to obtain packages and resources. New weapons including a "Saw Launcher" have been introduced in the game. Weapons and attachments can be upgraded, and you now have the ability to craft vehicles as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed Far Cry 5. I put in 144 hours in it on Xbox One. I am excited to see what happens in this sequel. If you enjoyed any of the Far Cry games, especially Far Cry 5, I highly recommend that you pick up Far Cry New Dawn.

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