FAQs For Rushing A Sorority | The Odyssey Online
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FAQs For Rushing A Sorority

Questions I wish I had the answers to when I decided to rush

FAQs For Rushing A Sorority
Allison Saffo

If you're thinking about rushing for a sorority you probably have a TON of questions- and that's okay! It can be a really confusing process because it is like nothing you have ever done before, but let me tell you it is totally worth it. Here are some questions I had prior to rushing that I wish I had the answers to, and hopefully can help you out!

Will being in a sorority take up all my time?

No, it won't take up all of your time, but be prepared to be very involved. A sorority might just be one thing, but it encompasses many little things. These include things such as community service, meetings, sister bonding, bake sales, and so on. It is a huge commitment and something you have to want to put your all into. So, if you're thinking about rushing just to be able to put on some letters and do nothing else, maybe rushing isn't for you. On the other hand, if you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and be active around campus, then a sorority would be a good fit. Additionally, a lot of girls in sororities are also involved in other clubs and sports on campus as well, so balancing your time is definitely not impossible!

What is the difference between local and national?

It's exactly how it sounds- a national sorority has chapters across the country while a local sorority is unique to your campus and only your campus. The details of each organization can vary based on the chapter.

How much does it cost?

This all depends on your school and the sorority. National sororities usually have to pay more for national dues on top of their own, and also if your sorority has a house you may have to pay room and board if you choose the live there. Some sororities are thousands of dollars a year, while others could be only $100. At smaller schools being a part of a sorority is not too costly. You are told where your money is going, and a lot of times it is coming back to you in some way. The best way to find out is to just ask someone in the sorority how much they pay- I remember I was kind of nervous to ask because I thought it was a stupid question, but it's totally not and everyone has that concern before they join!

Is it better being in a large sorority or a small sorority?

This all depends on your preference! Some people love being in a large sorority where there is always someone new to talk to or meet, while others prefer a smaller sorority so that you get to know your sisters well right from the start. When choosing this take into account your own personality traits- such as if you are more on the shy side and how involved you can see yourself being. Keep in mind that in a larger sorority there might be more competition for leadership positions, however getting a position in that case may make you stand out even more.

Is being in a sorority all about partying?

Nope! Although we do like to have fun, so much more goes into it than that. At most schools, sororities are required to do certain amounts of community service and philanthropic events in order to remain active on campus, so they can't get away with all play and no work. It is completely a stereotype that anyone who is in a sorority loves to party and drink because I know a lot of girls in sororities who don't really like to go out at all. Some sororities do hold their social life higher than others might so that is something to take into account when you are rushing.

Is there ever any drama?

I would love to say never ever... but then I would be lying. Drama is hard to avoid in almost any aspect of your life- especially this because it is a bunch of girls doing a lot of things together all the time, so some conflicts are bound to arise. However, this should not turn you away from rushing. If you are choosing a sorority that is the right fit for you and where you really feel like you belong, a little drama will not get in the way of the bigger picture. Honestly, I have felt like I have actually learned a lot about conflict resolution and expressing myself from being in a sorority. There will always be someone you can go to and talk to if you are ever feeling a weird vibe, and considering no one wants to have problems they usually will get resolved pretty quickly.

How do I know which sorority is the best fit for me?

This is going to sound super cliche, but you just know. It's weird how it works but by the end of your recruitment journey you will have a feeling in the place that feels most like home to you. The important thing about this is to make sure you're really going where your heart tells you to and not forcing yourself to be a part of something that does not necessarily feel right, no matter where your friends go. (If we're being honest, I literally cried on my last night of recruitment because I was so happy to have found somewhere I felt like I belonged. Yeah... sometimes the "feeling" is just that intense.)

One last piece of advice:

My number one piece of advice I have for anyone who is looking to rush would be to simply be yourself. It's corny, I know, but it is very important. Rushing a sorority is a really exciting time, and if you do it right it will remain exciting for the rest of the your life. If you don't think being in a sorority is right for you then don't do it, there are plenty of ways to get involved on your campus other than sorority life. However, if this is something you feel very strongly about, want to create lifelong bonds with amazing people, and do amazing things, too, then being in a sorority is probably right where you belong. I remember someone sharing this quote with me when I decided to rush: "From the outside looking in you can't understand it. From the inside looking out you can't explain it." Obviously, upon hearing that I really did not understand it. Now, I can't help but say that those words are so very true. Being in a sorority is really unlike anything else you will do in your life, and if you are not afraid to be yourself it will probably be one of the best decisions you will ever make!

So good luck to everyone who decides to rush! I hope this was able to answer some of your most important questions, and make you a little less nervous for the journey you have ahead of you. Just remember to follow your heart and it all will fall into place!

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