Disclaimer: These responses are based on my personal experience with vegetarianism. They are not meant to be generalized to the whole vegetarian community.
My journey with vegetarianism began on March 29, and I have been a vegetarian for about two months now. Vegetarianism consists of one altering their diet to exclude all meat products. People can become a vegetarian for many reasons, and vegetarianism does raise many questions. I will address the most common questions I have received in this article.
1. "Why now? You've been eating meat all your life."
This one really comes down to education. Once you educate yourself on where your food actually comes from, you might reconsider calling it "food". Eating animals, dead animals, is something I am not in the slightest bit interested in.
2. "So you just eat salads all the time?"
While fruits and vegetables are the two main components of a vegetarian diet, that's not all we eat. There are many vegetarian recipes such as stuffed peppers, eggplant parmesan, and even tacos! You just have to be willing to be a little creative.
3. "But where do you get your protein from?"
4. "Aren't lean meats healthy?"
Lean meats such as chicken and fish may be the healthier option in comparison to beef. However, it was still a living being.
5. "What about humanely killed animals?"
You may feel better about eating a "humanely killed" animal, but is there really a "humane" way of murder? The animal is still being slaughtered, whether in a field full of grass and flowers or the back corner of a factory farm.
6. "What about eggs and dairy?"
Although eggs and dairy are animal products, vegetarians can consume them. Vegans however, cannot. Vegans exclude ALL animal products, where vegetarians just exclude meat.
7. "Will you go vegan?"
Eventually yes, I would like to be fully animal-free in my diet. Veganism however, also has components of beauty and fashion, not just diet. Buying products that are cruelty-free and not buying or wearing leather and fur are also parts of veganism. It is the individuals decision though as to how strict of a vegan they want to be.
8. "Was it hard to give up meat?"
For me, no. Once I learned about how the meat is processed, and where the meat comes from it wasn't a hard transition. Though for some, it's easier to transition in steps by first cutting out red meat, then fish, then poultry.
9. "Do you ever crave meat?"
Once you put information, and mainly pictures, behind the burgers, bacon and chicken nuggets, it's hard to have an appetite for them. Instead of seeing chicken nuggets, I see baby chicks. Instead of seeing a burger, I see a happy cow.
10. "Won't you have less energy?"
Actually, I have experienced quite the opposite. I no longer feel weighed down after meals and like I've eaten too much. By eating more whole foods, I have gained so much natural energy and have been able to do more in my days without the need for caffeine.
11. "Are you consuming enough calories?"
Meat is naturally more calorically dense than whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Therefore, when cutting out meat, you are cutting out hundred of calories. To make these up, simply eat more frequently. Instead of three big meals a day, eat five smaller ones.