So here I am, sitting down at my laptop, and I don't have a clue what to write about. Then a conversation with my sister popped up and it just clicked. So let’s talk about some annoying questions my sister (because I don’t need to always refer to her as my twin or my twin sister) and I get asked on the regular.
1. You’re a twin!?
Yes, we’re clearly twins. Nine out of ten times if you must ask, the answer is probably yes!
2. Are you guys identical?
I don’t know honestly. If you think we are, then cool. If you think we’re not, then cool. But our parents didn’t pay a obnoxious fee to get us tested so we really don’t know.
3. Which one’s the oldest?
Why does it matter? We’re twins. We’re the same age and can you really tell who’s the oldest or not? Chances are, you’ll be asking this again the next time we meet and nobody wants to be that person.
4. Do twins run in your family?
Yes, they do. How do I know that? Because we’re here.
5. Which one of you is the evil one?
My answer: my sister.
My sister’s answer: her sister.
Why would any of us want to admit to being the evil one? And what if we’re both evil?
6. Which one of you is the smarter one?
Why can’t both of us be smart? And of course I’m going to say I’m smarter and she’s going to say she’s smarter, but we’re both smart so stop asking us.
7. Which one of you is the [whatever] one?
Okay, now you’re just trying to get us to argue. Why can’t we both be the [whatever] one? Why can’t we both be good, evil, crazy, smart, or fun, etc…? This question starts becoming a she said/ she said and it never ends well.
8. Can you read each other’s mind?
Yes, because we’re superheroes right?
9. Which one are you?
Seriously, I want to punch anyone who thinks it’s okay to ask me this. How would you like if I asked you which one are you? You have a 50/50 chance to get it right and I rather you call me by my sister’s name then get asked this question every time you see me.
10. Do you do everything together?
No, we’re not connected by the hip. Believe it or not, we’re individuals and we don’t like to be with each other all the time.
11. Which one is the favorite?
Another rude question (and of course I’m the favorite). What’s even more rude is when people start saying “she’s my favorite twin,” or “she’s so much cooler than you.” Yeah, good for you! You picked a favorite twin, but chances are you just became their least favorite person.
12. If one of you gets hurt, does the other feel it?
Yes, because we’re superheroes remember?
13. Do you ever switch places?
No, we have not and you’ll find out that a lot of twins have, in fact, not switched places with each other. That is a old drawn out stereotype on twins and it just doesn’t happen in real life. The last thing I want to be doing is taking a test for my sister while she chills at home for me and I’m sure she’d agree.
14. Do you have the same personality?
*eye roll* No, we do not! We’re different people. Just like you and your siblings have different personalities, so do we. We’re individuals. Yes, we may have things in common, but we also don’t have things in common. (I know! A strange concept to grasp right?)
15. What is it like being a twin?
This is probably the most annoying question. Imagine if I asked you, how is it like not being a twin? You wouldn’t know. So the answer to your annoying question is I don’t know because I’ve never not been a twin. It’s all I know and it’s all my twin knows.
But for those of you who must get an answer: It’s annoying to constantly be compared and linked to another human being when, in fact, we’re both Individuals!
16. Who would win in a fight?
Us, if you ask us one of these annoying questions ever again.
And even though this isn’t a question, it’s just as annoying so I have to add it…
17. Referring to us as “The Twins”
We have names, different names, which were given to us so you could get our attention that way. Calling us “The Twins” or “The Girls” or “You” will most likely 1. get you ignored and 2. get us angry and we already went over who would win in a fight so…