For those of you who don't know, I broke my wrist and tore a ligament about 2 weeks ago. I'm in a cast that starts at my knuckles and ends right before my elbow. It's hard to miss, so it starts conversations with random people all over. Of course, this leads to curious questions and stores about their injuries or someone they know's injury.
1. “What did you break?”
The #1 question. People's curiosity always gets the best of them, but I'd rather they start guessing about which bone is broken rather than just asking straight up. The cast might be a helpful guide.
2. “Did you know immediately?”
Each person is different, but it's usually fairly obvious to tell when something is broken. It does kind of swell and starts to bruise.
3. “How did you break it?”
Alright, this one I understand because sometimes there's a really cool story behind it.
4. “Why’d you pick (insert color cast)?”
Because I wanted to? Thanks.
5. “What’s it like?”
It's annoying and inconvenient if you really want to know. Not to mention incredibly itchy, so sometimes things get stuck.
6. “Have you ever broken a bone before?”
I hate this question the most. Like, why does it matter if I've broken something before? That has nothing to do with this current injury.
7. “When did you do it?”
Honestly, this one is just a leading question, and goes straight into the next question.
8. “How long is your recovery supposed to be?“
Long enough.
9. “How do you shower?”
With soap and water. This really isn't any of your business.
10. “Does it hurt?”
It's a broken bone. What do you think?
11. “Does it itch?”
All. The. Time.
12. “What’s the worst part about it?”
I never know how to answer this one. Do you mean what's the worst part of the injury or whats the worst part of having a cast? Please clarify because there are two different answers here.
13. *for arm casts only* “Are you left or right handed?”
Alright, valid question. You're gauging to see how inconvenient this injury actually is.