Somehow we all ended up doing the same crazy thing, starting the journey to become nurses. We have this in common and it has been enough to create a significant bond between us.
Each of you started out as my go-to for study advice and questions on specific concepts. Now, we study together constantly and share our lives with each other.
Nothing proves more encouraging to me than being able to have a group of girls to text and talk to about exciting news like getting a new job, getting engaged, or finding a new apartment and knowing we are cheering each other on. When it's not so easy going and a test threatens our confidence or we are navigating through relational issues, I know that we will go out of our way to encourage each other. Life threw us together and I couldn't be more grateful for you.
Whether it be all the exchange of great study charts from Pinterest or rapid-fire SnapChats about our day, I know I always have you to lean on. When one of us has a victory, we all celebrate. When one of us has a loss, we hurt together and then pick each other up.
As we go on, there will be classes and clinicals harder than we can imagine, but you know what? We all promised one another that we would finish, and finish TOGETHER we will. How do I know this? Because remember that week all of our tests were crammed together? We all passed and we all motivated each other through the tricky spots.
So, thank you for being there for me. I am so blessed to have every one of you by my side as we navigate this crazy thing called nursing school!