Hello, welcome to Fangirling 101. In this simple 345 word course I will give you a simple 5 step tutorial on how to be a fangirl. Urban Dictionary defines "Fangirl" as "A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor."
Step 1: Find someone/something to fangirl over.
The subject of a fangirl is very important. This is a human or item that can inflict such a strong reaction, that you are very literally screaming, and fanning your arms, and just making a huge fool of yourself.
Step 2: Internet Stalk your subject.
After a couple weeks of extensive research, you should know a lot about your subject. You should know what their favorite color is, when their birthday was, who their friends are, pretty much everything about them. From their favorite color to the closest they have come to dying as a child.
Step 3: Find someone to fangirl with.
At this point, you have probably found a large community of other
crazies fangirls. Plugging yourself into a group of others can be very important. Fangirling with other people makes you feel a little more sane and a little less sad. Just a little.
Step 4: Find a way to meet the subject.
This can be accomplished in a few different ways. You can go to conventions/converts/shows and wait in line for meet and greats. Or you can sit in the bush outside their apartment until they come outside, then "casually" run into them.
Step 5: Try to make a good impression.
With making a good first impression you have the ability to move from fangirl to actual friend. This may not happen for everyone, but it has been known to happen. Just ask Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Who knows, you may just be a fan, but you also may end up like these chuckleheads.