Famous People Who Succeeded In Spite Of Initial Failure | The Odyssey Online
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Famous People Who Succeeded In Spite Of Initial Failure

These people didn't give up and neither should you.

Famous People Who Succeeded In Spite Of Initial Failure

All my life, I used to think that I was a failure. I felt that whatever I do, it is not good enough for anyone. I had gone through a lot of struggle, be it in school, college or even people. There were times I felt like giving up. I am sure many of you guys have felt this way. But now when I think about it, nobody is perfect. For example, even famous people had to go through a lot of struggle. Here is the list of famous people, who have achieved success through struggle.

1. Walt Disney

Did you know that Walt Disney was fired by the editor of Kansas City Paper in 1919? According to the editor, Walt Disney lacked "lacked imagination and had no good ideas." If he had given up back then, Disney wouldn't be as successful as it is today.

2. Bill Gates

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. He later tried to start a business with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data, which failed. It was only because of his hard-work and determination that he had established Microsoft, which is now a successful multinational technology company.

3. Henry Ford

Henry Ford's earlier businesses failed, and that left him broke five times. With his hard-work and determination, he had established the Ford Motor Company. Now he is known for his innovative Assembly line and American-made cars.

4. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey had to go through a rough time to become successful. She had a rough and often abusive childhood. She was also fired from her job as a television reported because she was "unfit for TV." If Oprah had given up back then, she wouldn't have been one of the most iconic faces of TV as well as the richest and most successful woman, that she is today.

5. Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg is a famous director known for films like "E.T" and "Indiana Jones." Did you know that he was rejected from the University of Southern California School of Theatre, Film and Television, three times? He eventually attended school at another location, only to drop out to become a director before finishing. Thirty-five years after starting his degree, Steven Spielberg returned to school in 2002, to finally complete his work and earn his BA. If he had given up, he wouldn't be one of the finest directors today.

6. J.K Rowling

J.K Rowling is a famous author known for the Harry Potter series. But did you know that before she gained fame, she was nearly penniless, divorced, trying to raise a child on her own, while attending school and writing a novel. With her hard work and determination, she became one of the richest and most popular novelist.

7. Isaac Newton

Did you know that Isaac Newton, never did well in school, and when put in charge of running the family farm, he failed miserably and an uncle took charge and sent him off to Cambridge. Thanks to Cambridge, he worked hard and became a famous scholar.

8. Thomas Edison

Did you know that in his early years, teachers told Thomas Edison that he was "too stupid" to learn anything? He was also fired from his first two jobs for not being productive enough. Even as an inventor, Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. But with his hard-work and determination, he was finally successful in inventing one.

9. Charles Darwin

Did you know that in his early years, Charles Darwin gave up on having a medical career. His father always used to rebuke him for being lazy and too dreamy. But he didn't give up, and is now known well for his scientific studies.

10. Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford is known for his roles in "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones." Did you know that in his first film, Harrison Ford was told by the movie execs that he simply didn't have what it takes to be a star. But he didn't give up, and now is one of the most iconic stars we have in the industry.

11. Winston Churchill

Did you know that Winston Churchill struggled in school and failed sixth grade?. After school, he faced many years of political failures, as he failed in every single election for public office. But after so much determination, he finally became the Prime Minister of UK at the age of 62.

12. Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey is famous for his comic roles like "The Mask" and "Ace Ventura." Did you know he was homeless? Yes, he grew up in a lower-income family with a father who struggled to keep a job. He had to even drop school at the age of 15 to support his family. They were so poor, that they had to eventually live in a van. But he didn't give up. He went from having his dad drive to comedy clubs in Toronto to starring in mega blockbusters, thus making him one of the best comedic actors.

13. Albert Einstein

Most of us consider Einstein a big genius. Did you know that he wasn't able to speak until he was four, and did not read until 7, causing his parents and teachers to think he was mentally handicapped and anti-social? Eventually, he was expelled from school, and was refused admission to the Zurich Polytechnic School. It took him a long time to reach to the top and become successful by winning the Nobel Prize and changing the face of modern physics.

14. Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe had a rough upbringing. Modeling agents told her that she should instead consider being a secretary. But with hard work and determination, she became a famous model and actress worldwide.

15. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart, despite composing at the age of five and writing 600 pieces, didn't have an easy life. He was often restless, leading to a dismissal from a position of a court musician in Salzburg. It took him 10 years to become a successful musician.

16. The Beatles

When The Beatles were starting out, a record company rejected them. They were told "we don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." But this didn't stop them from achieving their dreams, as now they are one of the most popular bands in the world.

17. Vincent Van Gogh

Did you know that, during his lifetime, Vincent Van Gogh, only sold one painting? and that too, to a friend? But he worked really hard by starving to complete 800 known works, and now he is a successful painter.

18. Michael Jordan

Did you know that Michael Jordan, one of the best basketball players, was actually cut from his high school basketball team? But this didn't stop him from achieving his dreams. He kept on trying till he succeeded. This determination got him to be one of the best NBA basketball players.

19. Ludwig van Beethoven

In his initial years, Beethoven was initially awkward at violin and was often busy working on his own compositions that he neglected to practice. Despite his love for composing, his teachers felt that he was hopeless at it and that he would never succeed with violin and composing. But this didn't stop Beethoven. He composed five best-loved symphonies, while being deaf. This made him a successful musician.

20. Charlie Chaplin

Did you know that Charlie Chaplin's act was initially rejected by the Hollywood studio? They felt that his act was nonsensical. But Charlie Chaplin never gave up. His acts made him one of the most iconic stars.

These celebrities had to go through a lot of things in their life to become successful. They worked hard and they never gave up. Imagine if they had given up, they wouldn't have been as famous as they are today.

Here's a message to all the people who feel like giving up. I believe struggle and pain are a part of our lives that we have to go through to achieve what we want. In reality, nobody is perfect. We all have flaws, and we all have to work on it. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.

So whenever you feel like a failure, think about all these celebrities, who achieved success through failure. If these celebrities can do it, so can you!

Believe in yourself!

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