Do you ever have family members come visit you at college and not know what to do with them? For many college students, when family comes to visit, keeping them entertained can be a handful. When you go to a college in a metropolitan city like Charleston, it is much easier to keep family members preoccupied than it is in a smaller city, but no matter the location of the university you attend, there’s always something to do.
1. Take them on a tour of the campus
More than likely, your family members toured the campus with you when you were applying to college and visiting all the campuses you were slightly interested in, but now that you are a student, you know more about the campus. Show them your favorite places on campus and show them some of the fun activities you can all participate in. Being a student at the College of Charleston, I would show my family the Cistern, the courtyard outside my dorm and a few other remote areas that I enjoy spending time at.
2. Take them to your favorite restaurants
Everyone has a restaurant they love on or around the campus. Take your family there and make them enjoy it as much as you do. Plus, if you play your cards right, you just might get a free meal from them!
3. Take them on a tour of the city
It’s easier to take them on a tour of a tourist-based city like Charleston. Take your family for a walk or drive around the city and show them what you like to do when you’re off campus.
4. Show them your dorm room (WARNING: this may require some major de-cluttering and cleaning)
Your family may have seen your dorm room when you moved in, but they may not have had a chance to see how you personalized it. Introduce them to your roommate(s) and suite mate(s) if they haven’t met yet.
5. Introduce them to some of your friends
A lot of college students think their parents are embarrassing and will just do something to embarrass them on purpose, but, truthfully, your parents just want to be a major part of your life. Your parents went through a time when they thought their parents were embarrassing, as did everyone. Introducing them to your friends will not ruin your life: it will simply create a stronger bond because you introduced them to important people in your life.
6. Show them where your classes are and tell them about what you are learning
Family, and parents especially, like to know about your life, so telling them about your classes and what you are learning about will appeal to them.
When your family comes to visit you at college, it doesn’t have to be boring: it can be an exciting time. There are many things on-campus to off-campus you can do to entertain them.