New parents anxiously await for their new, precious baby to make their arrival into the world for nine months. When the time finally comes, it’s a time to celebrate the new life and addition to the family. But the celebration is cut short here in the United States. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), parents are given up to 12 weeks of leave to care/bond with their newborns while their job is kept safe for when they return. FMLA is granted to workers who have been employed with the same company for a year and have worked a total of 1,250 hours during that year. Only about 59 percent of workers in the United States are covered under this act. That leaves 41 percent of workers unprotected by FMLA.
Those 12 weeks are not required by law to be paid in all states. Only four states have passed laws concerning paid leave: California, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), in at least 178 countries, paid leave is given to mothers and 50 countries offer wage benefits for fathers. Germany offers a very generous leave for parents. Women are given up to 14 months with part of the time off paid. Even Croatia gives women a year of paid maternity leave. So why is the best country in the world lacking when it comes to family values?
Both the newborn and parents would benefit from a parental leave that lasts longer than just 12 weeks. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 11 to 20 percent of women suffer from postpartum depression symptoms each year. One of the more serious symptoms that are brought on by postpartum depression is having thoughts of harming one's child. By allowing a mother more time off from work to build and strengthen the bond with her new child, it could lower the number of women who suffer from postpartum depression.
According to the Center for Breastfeeding Information in Schaumburg, IL, 57 percent of U.S. mothers breastfeed at birth, but only 20 percent of women still breastfeed after six months. Babies still need either breastmilk or formula as their main nutrition for the first year of life. Unfortunately, not all women respond well to a breast pump. For women who must return to work before their child turns one year old, this could lower or deplete their supply altogether. Breast milk has been proven to be better than formula. By extending leave, more mothers in the U.S. may continue to breastfeed longer which children would benefit from.
Having a child is a huge adjustment, even for parents who already have a child. Bonding with the new baby is very important for the mental health of the parents and the child. It promotes a happier and healthier family unit. If there are other children in the home, it is important to make sure that they are adjusting well to the change a new child brings as well.
Extending parental leave could be made possible in the United States. It is the matter of getting this issue heard and made a priority. Over a hundred other countries have shown that family is important to them by allowing parents lengthy leave times.
Not all families would be able to afford longer parental leaves, but by offering longer leaves, many families would benefit greatly. It is time for America to catch up to the rest of the world and start truly advocating for family values.