In an era of increased emphasis on personal independence and detachment from emotions, the value of family falls far behind focus on personal betterment, goals and achievements, often abandoned for new job opportunities or chances to leave an old life behind. Whether spending an empty Saturday with dear old grandmother or joining a party hosted by a close cousin, stories are bound to follow events centered around relatives and family friends.
Usually, these recounts contain themes and morals hidden beneath their entertainment, and these can lead to a greater understanding of life in general. When asking for advice from a family member, for example, a solid support for an answer can be built from the context of a story in which a character undergoes the exact same problem only to find a convenient solution. To better build a foundation of support, the fact that the story is real only serves to better lead whoever is astray back on track once again.
Back when storytelling revolved around vocal methods, the wisest members of hunter-gatherer societies were those with knowledge of their ancestors' movements and histories, not too different from the stories each family member of present society keeps hidden in the refines of their memories, just waiting to be called upon and retold. The moral guidance provided by these stories is specified as well, for perhaps a problem such as a disease persists in the family and a member needs a plan to attack the disease's malignant assault on their body, with solely the stories given by a relative who suffered the same symptoms.
Psychological problems could be tackled in the same manner, as someone else within the family tree is bound to deal with issues stemming from said problems. These conversations are kept private within the context of the family, never leaving unless in the hands of a true traitor to family values. Certain latent features in a person may begin to emerge when placed in the context of an understanding environment, such as the shyness preventing an angsty teen from being his truly outgoing persona which only emerges when around family.
Family emphasis can be shared with others for their benefit, traveling beyond the context of family life to extend to other families and other individuals needing answers or seeking recollection of good times and good cheer. Several authors base the subjects of their writing on personal family experiences, utilizing these stories to elevate themes present throughout the tale. These stories often use the central theme of family to great effect by pulling in the reader to a relatable situation, as every human has a unit they consider family, whether adopted or directly related.
Overall, neglecting family has little to no benefit, at the most saving some time that will most likely go to waste anyway. In modern society, it is imperative to place a greater precedence on simple family time and morals that will lead to greater understanding of the self in place of personal endeavors. After all, home is where the heart is, and the family holds the greatest heart in any person’s life.