One of my favorite weeks of the year is easily the week of my family vacation. Each year we spend a week in Ocean City, New Jersey. The week is filled with tons of fun, family time, and vacation traditions. This year vacation is extra special to me. While not living at home this summer, I really miss my family, and working full-time leaves very few days for beach trips. Once I got to college and experienced long periods of time away from my family, I appreciate my family vacations so much more.
We spend our family vacation with several other families. These other families become part of my family during the week and it’s so much fun. We are “that group” on the beach with tons of people and a canopy and are very loud. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. Spending all day on the beach with some of my favorite people is so enjoyable. The families we are with are families from home, so I haven’t gotten to see them much since I got to college. College has definitely made me appreciate family time and time with friends from home so much more.
One of my favorite things about my family vacation is my family’s tradition of getting ice cream together every night. That’s right, every night of vacation. There are so many great ice cream places in OCNJ that there’s a new place to go to every night. It may seem small and silly that I love getting ice cream with my family every night, but I really treasure little moments with my family since I’m away from them so much. I’ve learned to appreciate the small things with my family ever since I’ve gone away to school.
This is the first summer I’m away from home and working a full-time job. Working 40+ hours a week between two jobs and being away from my family all summer isn’t the easiest or the most fun I’ve ever had. I guess you could say that is the first summer I’m “adulting,” and it’s a whole new experience. It definitely took some adjusting, but the hardest part is being away from my family and friends from home. This year, I’m so excited to have a week not working either job and a whole week with my family. Not to mention eating my body weight in ice cream and getting a nice tan!
I definitely appreciate family time 10 times more now that I’m away at school. Little things like coffee with dad or late night Sheetz runs with my brother. I can’t do those things while I’m away at school, so when these moments happen they are even more special. This year, I’m more excited than ever for my family vacation. A week away from constantly working and a week with my family sounds like heaven to me. This year that ice cream every night is going to taste a whole lot better!