As the holiday season approaches we are given the time to not only enjoy the company of our family, but also to reflect on memories and traditions from the past while creating new ones. Holiday traditions are an essential part of how we celebrate and they are what brings our family together.
The great thing about family traditions is that there can be so many variations of them among families. Even the smallest things such as baking cookies together can be made into a tradition. The littlest things such as eating sprinkle cookies, having an elf on the shelf, or cutting down your own Christmas tree can be made into a tradition that is passed down from generation to generation.
Family traditions are so important because they remind us of everything our families are about, where we originated from, where we are going, and how we all come together as one. They remind us that our families' traditions grow as our family does and that family is the greatest gift we could ever be given.
Traditions are most important during the holiday season because they bring us closer together. Nothing brings a family closer than all wearing the same holiday pajamas to bed Christmas Eve and waking up together in them Christmas day. It's the little things like the memories we create that are so important to a family.
Family traditions teach family values. Rituals practiced and family prayers help instill our family values in us. Traditions supply comfort to us and a sense of security. It's comforting to know that not everything has to change. We may lose a family member throughout the years but it's comforting to know they live on through these traditions. Family traditions provide connectedness from generation to generation.
Traditions are passed down in order to connect each generation and allow for the traditions to continue to live on. This is so important because the traditions provide for a sense of identity for our families.
It's amazing how family traditions can be the same each year but they somehow always manage to bring a family together. The way they evolve is so important to how our families evolve.
Family traditions are so important especially during the holidays because they provide for lasting memories. Although the traditions are the same each year, new memories are able to be created every time. The memories created last forever and they are always something that a family can look back on and bond over.