Oscar was in our household as long as I can remember. The stories about him are endless. He always was there to fill a void, if there ever was one. We had a special voice in which we would talk for him, as he felt like blood to us. There are truly very few things or situations that hit as hard as having to make a decision for the greater good of your pet. Through a process as tough as this, keeping a positive mindset has proven to help us to remain comforted.
The final hours of Oscar's life were incredibly tough, but we knew that we had given him an amazing life and that his final hours we surrounded him with love and affection that was irreplaceable.
For those going through a tough time like this, I am incredibly sorry. It is an extremely gut-wrenching period. Your pet loves you, and the final hours of their life will stay with them forever. Your puppy knows that this hurts you, and it can sense that you are hurting and all that they want to do is comfort you.
It is hurtful to feel as if you are taking their life when you know that if they could speak or understand, that they would want it to be that way. Times are rough, but your pup will only think of the good things that their loving family provided for them. They are in a better place holding their loving family close to their heart.
Keeping a positive mindset about the situation is what I will continue to do as I know that is exactly what Oscar would have wanted for my family and me.
Yes, when it comes to dinner time I will feel his presence at my feet waiting for me to toss him a snack. Yes, for a while I will hear his play growl at random times. These are just going to be reminders that it is better to love and lose than feel nothing at all.
Life can truly drag at times, but that is what makes the high's in life so great. I will hold Oscar close to my heart for the remainder of my days, and hold his legacy with me as a reminder that life is short but beautiful.
Your wonderful pet will remember the beautiful things in life; therefore, you should too.
In Loving Memory Of
Oscar 10.5.2018
Bella 8.22.2018