In my life, just like most of everyone else’s, family plays an extremely important role. Although I love my entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) this article is more so directed to my immediate family, for they are directly affected by me.
One of the easiest way to make me mad is to talk bad about my family. I do not only love my family unconditionally; I appreciate them more than words can describe. Here are 8 reasons why I am thankful for my family.
1) They are crazy.
There is never a dull moment around our house and that is exactly how we like it. Life is too short to be serious all the time. I am proud to say that there are more laughs than attitudes or tears. We are a crazy family and would not have it any other way.
2) They are supportive.
No matter the decision that anyone makes, family is supportive. With every girlfriend or boyfriend, with every job or hobby, my family is supportive. If no one else will be positive about a situation, family will.
3) They are cheerleaders.
Not only do they support you, they are there to cheer you on. They do not leave you to do it alone, they are there the entire time, even if they are there alone.
4) They are parachutes.
When the decision may not have been the best and you fall, not only do they catch you, they are there the whole way down. Family defends you with the world and all odds are against you. They never leave your side.
5) They are protectors.
Whether its physical or mental, family protects against anything and everything. There is no need to hide anything from family, they will love you regardless.
6) They are motivators.
Family motivates you to do your best at all times. Whether if it is school, career, relationships, or anything else, you can depend on family to motivate you.
7) They are spiritual.
Not only can they help you, they can pray for you. That is a very important factor that all family can and should have. “A family that prays together will stay together.”
8) They are listeners.
When you need to vent or get it all out, there is no better person to turn to than family. They are, in most times, the only ones you can trust.
The importance of family gets over looked sometimes, but it should easily hold a very big place in your heart. It does not matter the social status of your family, it does not matter the distance that may be between you and your family. It does not matter where you live. My parents always told us that, “wherever we all are, that’s home.”