I'm an only child. I have two wonderful, amazing stepsisters that I really wish I was able to see often but I love them dearly, and I'm so happy to see them flourish in their own lives. These three women (Can you call a 13-year-old a woman? I know my 13-year-old self did NOT want to be called a woman) have really helped to shape who I am today, and who I will become. I hope they can say the same for me. Here are three open letters (or paragraphs) to these amazing people!
To my cousin,
You haven't been there my WHOLE life, because I am older than you haha. I remember when you were born, literally the day before I was lol. You were such a chubby baby, full of spunk and joy. I would argue that you still have that spunk and joy, even though I know you'd disagree with me. You have become the younger sister I never had but never knew I needed. I just want to say thank you for being one of the only people who constantly wants to hang out with me. You don't have any form of social media other than Snapchat, but I do hope this reaches you haha :). You have one of the purest, kindest hearts I have ever come to know. The compassion and love you have for those closest to you, inspires me to always put my best foot forward and make sure the people closest to me know that they are loved by me. You'd probably hate this letter and tell me to stop being so gushy BUT I LOVE GUSHY THINGS OKAY. You are so loud and it's so great because sometimes I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK! You are amazing and I hate that sometimes school and friend stressors get you down, because I was there too at 13. Middle school is rough, man. And sometimes I know when we start becoming teenagers we get angsty and think we can handle everything on our own because everyone sucks. But I am here to tell you, little girl, that PEOPLE ROCK. Haha, I mean, that some people are really awesome and won't prey on you and only want to see you succeed. Like me. I love you so much and I always have your back. Please always remember this. You are my favorite cat lady.
To my aunt,
My soul sister. Side note: Do you remember when I was younger and I would always call you my soulmate? Still true. Tía you are the embodiment of a cool chick, haha. You have the best laugh, change my mind. Also, your home really is my second home, I remember when it was being built! Although I can't really remember everything that happened to me when I was younger, I'm so glad you were there to witness my growth :D. Other side note: Do you remember when I was younger and I had my baby fat and you used to tell me you loved my chubby chin and my chubby cheeks and you would nibble at my chin? It hurt sometimes, but I could always feel the joy in your heart that I didn't even want to say anything because you've always made me feel so loved. You're such a badass rocker chick and when I'm around you I always feel like Stevie Nicks (I'm sad I wasn't alive to go to any cool concerts with you in the 70s-90s, a real-life tragedy). I am inspired by how much you've done for the little one because I know life has been tough. I also know you have YEARS of experience beyond me (ok calm down I'm not calling you old, I'm saying you're wiser than I am), but I just wanted to be that little voice of encouragement telling you not to give up! I want to say you're doing such an amazing job at all life has had to throw at you. Also, know that my mom and I are always here for you even if I'm away at college. Also please keep telling me about your life, because I think life back then sounds so dope (you AREN'T OLD). I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SOULMATE!
To my mom,
I've written an article to you, but you always deserve recognition, fight me on that (actually don't I know you would win). I look up to you so much and we are very similar, I guess you gave me all your good attributes. I'm always the most excited to see you. You've always been my best friend and I can't shut up about you, seriously I think the people around me are tired of how much I talk about you, lol. But honestly, I can credit you for being the person who has always helped to hold me up when the goings got tough or even when things were great. I do feel like now that I'm older though, I have an appreciation for what is so dear to you: dancing, Mexican culture, and the Christian faith. You've always pushed me to be the best I could be, and sometimes, it sucked just because I hated letting you down and also you are very much a tough love kind of person; I'm just too sensitive for my own good I guess haha. Also, I know I've heard that the reason why we butt heads sometimes is because of how similar we are. You are the biggest Facebook mom I know but please never stop it's so great lol. I text you way too often during school time and I want to apologize, because if I could talk to you all the time I would. You are also the most popular mom I know (well, almost), and wow who could forget you were prom queen. Your fun-loving, take no crap from anyone attitude is what has also driven me to never settle and also make sure I take time to enjoy the things I'm doing. Thank you for being a parent who has always supported my goals but has also brought me back to earth from changing my mind too many times smh. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL MADRE TE AMO MUCHO.
Well as we can all see, I am the gushiest person ever I just love my fam bam, especially the fact that we have that latina scorpio fuego (ay caramba). Thank you, ladies, for your ever-present inspiration.