There is several definitions on what family exactly is. Family could be the people your around all the time and you can tell them anything, family could be the people you work with, or family could be what you've learned to be your family, like your relatives. Family are the people who are always there for you no matter the circumstances. My family are the people I live with in my house, my family are a select few friends and my coworkers at Mcdonalds. I also consider the people in my community here at the Odyssey my family. I may not know them completely in person but they are always here when I have questions or need help with anything. They are all really nice and made me feel welcome when I got accepted to write for the Odyssey.
I am happy with every type of family I am in. They accept me for who I am and are always there when I need them. They support my choices in life and give me advice in areas that I need it. Think of your family today and everyday thereafter because you don't want the busy world to stop you from showing them how much you love and appreciate them. Like I learned from Lilo and Stitch when I was a little girl, "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind."