Family Found in the Most Unusual Places | The Odyssey Online
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Family Found in the Most Unusual Places

Family Found in the Most Unusual Places

Lightning flashed across the sky and across the creaky wooden boards of the ship. Thunder cracked, and the sea crashed around the ship. A weak whimpering came from my mouth. I did not favor thunderstorms. Not that I liked the situation I was in now, but at the moment the only thing registering in my mind is that I was at sea during a thunderstorm.

My name is Claire Scarlet. My father is a rich businessman. I do believe the only reason I am here is because my father owes these people money. I guess even the wealthiest people can be in debt to someone. "Afraid of something girlie?" I jumped at the sound of a gruff voice coming from the door that lead to the deck of the ship. I opened my mouth to reply, but I was cut off by another crack of thunder. He smirked and laughed in my face," Ha ha . . . I should've realized that I pampered brat like yourself would be afraid of a little thing like thunder!"

"W-why am I here? Is there any good reason for you to hold me captive?" I asked my captor. My captor's smirk grew even wider. I immediately feared I would not live much longer.

"Looks like you need to learn some manners. Although, I will let you off tonight. You have work in the morning." I kept him in my line of sight until he locked me back in my 'room'.

My 'room' consisted of a small port hole, wooden crates, and a hammock.
I sighed, "Guess I should sleep, it's not like I have anything else I can do." I laid down on the lone, worn hammock and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Get up, and get to work!" I was up and running in about three seconds. I was given a black tank top, cargo pants, and a bandana. I threw my bright red hair up with the blue bandana. "What are doing?! Hurry up!" My captain, he was now considered 'my' captain, was yelling at me from the wheel. I was now on the deck, "Finally! Here!" He threw a mop and bucket, full of water might I add, at me," Take this and clean the deck! I better not catch you slacking off, ya hear?!" I nodded quickly, "Oh, and one more thing," I met his gaze," answer me when I'm talking to you!"

My eyes widened,"Y-yes sir!" I quickly turned and started to clean. I then muttered, "Whatever." I watched the birds fly overhead, and the sea dance. I was so absorbed in the scenery that I did not even realize that my captain was now red in the face.

"Ms. Scarlet!" I jumped at the booming sound of his voice. He was not very tall, and he was a bit bigger than the average person. He also had jet black hair,"What exactly do you think you're doing?!"

"Um. . .Well, I'm not cleaning. I know that much." A lot of the crew looked at me as if I had gone insane overnight. Although at the moment, I really didn't care. This man, regardless of his rank, was not going to get even the smallest amount of respect from me until he showed me he was worth it.

Captain huffed and then got in my face, "If this deck isn't cleaned by nightfall, you won't eat. Understand?" He was trying to sound menacing, but it really, really wasn't working.

"Mmm hmm," I didn't even look at him. All I know is: I've angered him, and now I'm stuck with his crew. I'm trying to decide if that is a good or bad thing. One look at them and they look like the scariest people on the planet, but they are the exact opposite.

One man came up to me, "You have some guts, girlie. That was not what newbies do." All I did was shrug.
"Great job, I'm glad somebody told him that!" This person, also male, draped his arm over my shoulder, "You are my new friend." After that, I got multiple "congratulations" and "good job"s from the other crew members.

Each of the members introduced themselves to me, but I must say that the one I get along with the most, and the one that I consider my friend, is Christopher. He has dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. He began to help me throughout the days with whatever insane chore I had to do that day. We were actually washing the deck, again, when Captain Tarlock (I finally learned his name) came to me and told me that I was now free. "Excuse me?" We were on better terms now than before, and I was actually okay with being on this boat.

"Your father," I flinched. Everyone knew that I was not on the best terms with my father, and about after the first month on this wooden prison they let me roam around the boat and they didn't try to sell me back to my father. "He bought it. Your freedom." I looked down in sadness. I knew why he took the money though. This crew is poor, very poor. I knew my father would offer a great sum of money when he needed me back.

"I don't want Ms. Claire to leave!" Yes, during my stay on this ship, a little boy was taken in. Can you guess who got the job of his caretaker?

"None of us do. . ." Eddie said trying to hide and quiet his sobs. I stared at the man who teased me during thunderstorms; the strongest man on board.

"It's okay. I know it's for the best." Almost everyone had surprised looks on their faces from my comment. ". . .You all need the money. . ."
Chris held me while I tried to contain my sobs, "Shh. . .It's okay. Calm down." I laid my head on his shoulders. I took in a shaky breath and nodded.

The moment of truth finally came. Dad looked at me unimpressed with my attire. I still wore my black tank top and cargo pants. My bandanna was tied around my neck, and my red hair was blowing wildly through the air. I was walking slowly down the ramp, as if I was walking to the executioner about to meet my death. My bright, ocean blue eyes were now a dull greyish color, and I looked at the ground. I finally reached my father, "Father."

"You look almost sad to be leaving these buffoons!" My father laughed in my face. Tears welled up in my eyes. I took one last chance looking back at the boat.

I then whispered , "They're my family." We got into a carriage, "I'd do anything for them." My father's piercing gaze was set upon me. I merely glanced in his direction, obviously saddened by my departure from the crew.

"Do you truly care for them?" I now faced him fully. I did not know where this was going, but I was sure of my answer.

I took a shaky breath, "Yes." He looked down at the wooden floorboard of the carriage. I looked at the passing scenery. It was autumn, and the maple trees were bright colors of red, orange, brown, and yellow.

"Turn around." I turned to my father, surprise overtaking my sorrow. He seemed to catch my questioning gaze, and he gave a soft smile. I went to actually voice my question, but he cut me off, "I don't want to tear you away from something so important to you."
"Why, then? Why did you buy my 'freedom'?" I was really confused. My father never did anything for me, ever. I looked upon the man of forty years. He was looking off into the distance, as if remembering a distant past during his youth.

He chuckled softly, "I didn't want you to follow your mother's path." I was frozen. He never spoke of mother. Not since the incident so long ago, "She loved to travel on the sea. She said she was most at home there. Now I see I can't keep you from the sea, but write often, alright?"

Realization crossed my features, "Yes, yes! Oh, thank you father!" I hugged him with of tears of happiness rolling down my face, "Thank you so, so much."

We got into town again, and I jumped out of the carriage. I waved to my father. He smiled and waved as the wooden carriage rolled away. I walked around the fruit stalls trying to find Chris. He knew I liked fruit, and if I were to come back, I would be there. I saw a familiar blonde haired boy with a depressed, tear-streaked face. He was leaving with Captain, "Chris!" He turned toward my voice and caught sight of me.

He pulled away from the Captain and ran over to me, "Claire! Oh my gosh. I thought you were gone." The rest of the crew came over.

I smirked, "You'll never guess who had a change of heart."
Everyone was so happy. We celebrated my return all through the night. I ended up staying out looking at the stars later that night. "The stars are pretty," I whispered quietly.

"Why?" I turned to see Captain Tarlock looking toward me, "Why did you come back?"

"I wanted to stay with my family," I said smiling.

Captain Tarlock smiled at me, "Then, stay you shall."

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