It took me a long time to realize the importance of family. It's weird to say something like that because everyone comes up with the obvious, "well family is important" line. This past week, however, made me realize how important really having a family is to someone.
Earlier in the week my parents were gearing up for vacation. I'd spent the weekend moving between both of my brothers' houses, miles apart. It doesn't seem like much time to go and learn something but trust me, there was a lot to learn.
My first brother took us out for sushi and catered to us like if we were pretty much his own. He bought whatever we wanted and didn't even bother caring about whatever it was. We spent quality time with him and it was a lot of fun. We went the next day to my other brothers house and he did the exact same. I get it, "oh your so lucky keep bragging," but trust me there was something important about these moments I've had.
So what did I learn?
First off, if something bad were to happen to the world around us, my family would shed their own skin for me. Look flat out with everything going on in today's world, our world, something bad can happen in an instant. It's scary to even think about the kind of things that could happen. However, even in the darkest of times they would be there for me, just like your family would be for you. Knowing that my strongest support group is my family makes me feel more confident in everything I do in life.
Secondly, God forbid if something were to happen to anyone in my family, someone would step right in and fill the role that's needed. Sometimes people unfortunately pass and when they do, it's hard to adjust. For me I know I'd be okay though. My family would make sure each and everyone would be fine. In the time of need we would band together and become strong, we would become a unit.
Lastly, my family supports me. They support my decisions and they help try to guide my future in the right direction, in a direction where I will succeed. My parents and the rest of my family are always there for advice from the littlest things to the biggest of things. Like I said before, they are my strongest support group.
Now how does this help you?
Get close to your siblings and parents. Get close to your uncles or aunts you've been out of touch with. Friends are cool, but friends sometimes don't last forever. Family lasts forever. If you've been ignoring someone in your family for no reason, talk to them. Get to know them and maybe they won't be that bad. The hardest thing to say when you're older and look back in your past is "well I just never tried". Try to get closer to your family. They matter more than anything and I can promise you on that.
My family has made me strong even through some of the roughest times. Your family can do the same. Hard love is the best love I promise.
Get close to your family. Build your support group. I promise it will only benefit you, just like my family has benefited me.