Like any structure a house is the sum of its parts, some parts weaker than others, the weaker only strengthened by the stronger.
Thus it is with family--the core from which we descend, some stronger than others, others weaker but, supported by the stronger…we survive!
The family unit is primeval to all--a unit created by the sum of its parts that make up the core of the unit of which is family. Without the core, there can be no family unit! Humans would not exist!
Humans need that core to wrap themselves around for the sake of belonging and surviving. We are social beings who seek others to communicate, belong and share.
Often the occurrence of strife is born from ignorance and perhaps the existence of a fundamental weakness in one or another. How true is it that one cannot agree with another and allow strife to survive, knowing strife divides?
Why is it so that one must persist in defiance in tongue when reality is overlooked, rather than admit to another, a wrong?
Could it be that as we have grown in thought and realities that question our origins that over the millenniums we defy our instinct and replace instinct with thought?
If that is the case, is thought a replacement of primeval instinct? Will thought destroy us and our family unit and allow strife to survive?
Is there a balance we need to achieve between thought and instinct to preserve our family unit?
One could argue that if thought is a replacement of our primeval instinct, we will be doomed because it is our instinct that perpetuates our survival.
So what must cause this internal conflict between instinct and thought? Is there another element to consider?
A family unit in strife weakens the core from which it was created.
A weakened core cannot survive without the continued strength of its many parts--its house will fall--there is no longer that family unit of security which we all need and is a primeval instinct of survival.
A disagreement is good especially when, with open minds, we see the challenge of the other and embrace the argument for what it is: a thought to be discussed, not a thought to destroy our core.
We all need to heed the warning that strife brings. Strife will destroy our core security from which we hail and that it is up to us as a member of the family unit that we are obliged to keep the family unit together because in the end, our family is all we have to rely on.
The rest of what we perceive to be is non-superlative!