Some Families Are Worth Crossing Borders For | The Odyssey Online
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Some Families Are Worth Crossing Borders For

What happened when I traveled from Minnesota to Mexico to finally meet my boyfriend's familia.

Some Families Are Worth Crossing Borders For
Kaitlyn Rose Krueger

Just like practically every other college student this Winter Break, I was headed down to Mexico for a well-deserved ‘R&R’ vacation. Although, it wasn’t going to be a chillin’ on the beach 24/7, margarita in hand, while working on my tan kind of vacation, I was going for a far more special and important reason.

My boyfriend of now six months, Enrique Carmona Fiorentini, was born and raised in Mexicali, Mexico. Quick story on us, we met over the summer in my home state of Minnesota and have been inseparable ever since! (Not counting the 700 miles between our Universities…)

But, after the months of dating and his family only seeing me through Facebook and Instagram pictures, and chatting with his sisters through social media, we decided that there was no better time than break for me to finally ‘conocer la familia’.

Five hours, two plane trips, a two-hour road trip, and one border-crossing later we were finally pulling up to his house where everyone was waiting to meet me.

Nervous was an understatement to meet them. Nervous because it was my first time meeting them (and first impressions are everything), nervous because his family was far bigger than mine (he’s got four sisters while I was raised like an only child), nervous because yo no hablo Español muy bien, and nervous because I was the first girlfriend he had ever brought home to meet the family.

However, within 30 minutes of being there and meeting the parents, grandparents, and sisters, all my worries quickly faded away. I couldn’t have asked for warmer welcome than the one they gave me! They made me feel so relaxed and welcome, I was fed delicious home cooked food right away, and they were extremely patient whenever I tried to respond in Spanish.

Every day I was there was filled with family, (like I said his family is huge, dozens and dozens of aunts, uncles and cousins) just when I thought I had met most of the family there was at least three more uncles and five more cousins to meet. And, as intimidating as it was spending so much time with so much family, it was honestly the most enjoyable way I could have imagined spending my time in Mexico! There were always at least three conversations going on at once, everyone smiling and laughing, and everyone had a story to tell.

His family seemed so excited to show me as much of Mexicali and of Mexico as they could and I was just as excited to experience it all! Whether it was going to a new place to eat or just driving around the city, there was always something special to be pointed out.

Driving around with his grandmother she told me how much the city has grown and of importance all the factories had to the development of Mexicali, explaining the history of Mexicali and her home city of Tijuana, and all the culture that comes with both cities. It gave me a new appreciation and look on where the city first started out and how much it has grown since his grandmother started living there.

The first night in Mexicali, Enrique and his cousin Rodolfo, took me to get real, authentic, Mexican tacos, they were by far the greatest tacos I have ever eaten and I will never look at a taco the same way in America again.

The next night, when Enrique fell asleep on me while watching a movie, his other cousin Sofía and Cristina, came and took me out for authentic Mexican munchies. We went to a place called “Que Locos” where the best thing to get is a cup of crushed up chips, toppings of cucumbers and chili, all mixed in a tomato juice. I had never eaten anything like it before and it became one of the most memorable things I ate on my trip.

But the fact that I got to share this late night snack run with Sofía and Cristina was what made it even more memorable because they treated me like a best friend and were so sweet and fun to hang out with!

New Year’s Eve was probably the most enjoyable and entertaining night I spent with his family though. Enrique and his sisters somehow convinced me to eat a ‘chapulin’ which is essentially a cricket like bug (not a bad taste, just a very weird texture). Played pong with him and his sisters (unfortunately we lost) and I also met some of his long time mejores amigos, who were all great and helped me make fun of Enrique :)

By the next day of New Year’s, I had gotten so much closer with his sisters. We all sat together for lunch at his grandmother’s and talked, I told them they story of how their brother and I met and our firsts dates together, which we laughed at. They told me more about themselves and we played fun board games together, I was just happy to finally just have some girl time with them.

I'm not going to lie, it was intimidating knowing he had four sisters for me to meet, but they all made me feel so comfortable and at-home with the. I'm glad he has so many sisters because they were there for me with fashion advice Enrique couldn't give me.

During my stay his family even treated me with a little 2-day trip to Ensenada, which was truly amazing and generous. His mom pointed out all important landmarks to me on the drive there which was adorable, and we played car games as family to pass the time. We ended up going out to dinner at Finca Altozano in a vineyard, and his sisters and I couldn’t help but take pictures everywhere because it was the perfect backdrop for an Instagram post and the way the sunset hit the mountains during dinner needed to be captured forever in a picture (although the picture does no justice to just house beautiful it really was).

Ensenada was absolutely breath taking, a real dream to be there. The food was amazing, the beach and ocean views were to die for, and spending my time there with Enrique and family made it all that much more wonderful! We went on a boat ride around the sea port, which really only Enrique’s mom and I wanted to do but that’s fine because at least her and I had fun! We all walked around the docks, fish markets, and the main part of downtown just enjoying the day.

Honestly, I could go on and on for days about every little thing I did, every conversation I had and everything I saw. Every minute and experience I had I hold so close to my heart now.

But, like all great things, my trip eventually came to an end. However, I feel very fortunate to have seen and experienced as much of Mexico as did, because so many people who travel there will barley step foot off a beach or resort. And I hope to continue to visit much more of Mexico in the years to come!

I am beyond grateful to have been able to spend some decent time in the sun and warm weather and eating delicious food, but I am far more grateful for my boyfriend and his family. I couldn’t imagine meeting a more beautiful, energetic, and love filled family than them!

I have to admit I’ve always been curious to know what it’s like to have a sister and I’m happy to say I left having gained cuatro hermosas amigas y cuñadas!

Leaving to the airport on the last morning was not without tears though. I was sad to be leaving such a wonderful place, the family, and Enrique who I won’t see again for over another month. But I left with great memories and having built sweet and meaningful relationships with his family that are so important to me.

¡Muchas gracias a toda la familia! Todos ustedes fueron tan amistosos y maravillosos. Los amo a todos y no puedo esperar para volver a visitarlos.

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