This is a letter to those who are falling out of love with life.
I don't know what caused your downfall. I don't know how you're feeling. I wish I could talk to you one on one, but since I don't know who's reading this, I guess this will have to do for now.
I'm sorry about whatever happened, whether it be your fault or not. Mistakes are a part of life, and the best part of making a mistake is learning from it and moving on. It's hard to let the past go under certain circumstances, I know, but the second you forgive yourself and move on, the beauty of life will reveal itself. Every step you take in the right direction is one step ahead of where you've been.
I hope you wake up in the morning with both feet hitting solid on the ground, a smile on your face, even with your bags under your eyes and your hair a mess. And your morning breath. Nobody can forget the dominance of morning breath. Regardless of all of this, I hope your morning is easy and smooth and that you're on time for everything you have planned for the day, whether that be an appointment or getting caught up on Netflix.
For those who wear makeup, I hope your eyeliner is so sharp that you can scratch a diamond and that your mascara doesn't clump. I also hope you don't blink or sneeze while applying your mascara. Nothing frustrates me more.
I hope your favorite song plays on the radio today and you jam and head bang to it without the fear of what other travelers will think. If it's a hot day, I hope you get a crisp, ice cold drink of whatever you're thirsty for. On a cold day, I hope your hot cocoa is filled with extra marshmallows and that your coffee smells as good as it tastes.
I hope your day is smooth and that your conversation flows easily. I pray that your laughs are plenty and that your smiles are big and genuine. I hope that today, you talk to your favorite people and get whatever it is so heavy on your chest, off your chest. I hope you take chances and put work in toward your dream coming true.
I hope today that you have courage and fall in love with the way the sun rises and sets, the way your car starts as opposed to the contrary, your soft blankets that you get to snuggle into at night, the warm towels you get to wrap yourself in after a perfect shower.
I hope that if you have a day that brings you any amount of sadness or anger, you take the high road and turn your cheek. That you pray about it and seek change in the best and most mature way possible.
I pray that you take care of yourself and seek joy in the little things. I hope you see and extend the unconditional love and forgiveness of Christ. Love what you see in the mirror and treat yourself like the piece of gold you are.
I hope that if today doesn't bring you any of those things, that you find support and encouragement from someone somewhere in the world around you. And that you have the courage to take the necessary steps to falling in love with what this beautiful world has to offer you. It's a broken world, a hurting world, but it's a world starving for love. I hope today you fall in love with one aspect of the life you've been given.
Love always,