Falling in love with someone is one of the most beautiful things in the world, but what fairy-tales don't reveal is that it is S C A R Y!
It's actually one of the scariest emotions I have ever felt and all it takes is one person to make you feel it.
Just ONE person. The right person. YOUR person.
I believe that we all have a soulmate in this world and fate will lead you to them no matter what. Once you reach each other, nothing can stop you. Every couple has their rough patches but when you find your other half, nothing can come between you. It's you and them against the world.
Nothing is scary than falling in love. You learn to depend on this person more than you can depend on yourself. Your happiness relies on them and vice-versa. You can't imagine your life without them in it and they become your favorite part of every day. Your best self has it's arms around them. You're happiest when you're with them and the feelings the give you are indescribable. They're overwhelming.
When you feel yourself beginning to fall for a person, it's the scariest thing in the world. You want to make sure that they know you love them with every fiber of your being. At the same time, you don't want to become so obsessed that you scare them away. You don't want to express how your feeling if it's not 100% mutual.
Honestly, falling in love is beautiful and worth every second. But it is scary. Why?
You finally have something to lose.