Falling In And Out Of It | The Odyssey Online
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Falling In And Out Of It

The rise and fall of experiencing love.

Falling In And Out Of It

So you've felt the butterflies, the electricity and the tangles of thoughts in your head. Well, welcome to falling in love. It's the absolute most wonderful feeling in the world and it's a high that nobody wants to come down from. Yet, unfortunately, everyone experiences the falling out of love as well. Mostly everyone experiences a heartbreak from their very first love and just as the high of being in love felt like being at the top of the world, a heartbreak from falling out of love feels like being at the lowest point of the deepest ocean. That's love for you.

The first blush when your crush brushes against you, the slightly nauseous feeling that fills your stomach when you have your first date, the fireworks that explode in your mind when you kiss for the first time, and the incredible way that time seems to stop when you say "I love you" for the first time; these are the simple things that begin to sneak into your life when you start to fall in love. This is the budding of a beautiful flower, not to sound cliche or anything...

No matter what time of the night it is, where you are, what you're doing or who you're with, being in love doesn't go away and it is something reliable. Your significant other will make the time for you just as you will for them because thats what love does. If you've ever been in love, you know exactly what I'm talking about, and if you haven't been in love yet, brace yourself for the moment the love bug comes up and bites you.

Now, that is not to say that love lasts forever. It can, definitely, but not always. And when a love dies, the pain doesn't seem like it will ever go away. Whatever may have caused the relationship to end and the love to die, it won't be easy. Falling out of love is just about the worst kind of emotional pain imaginable. Some days the pain might beat you down and leave you a mess of tears while you're wrapped up in blankets with the pint of Ben & Jerry's, other days it will simply tease around your heart and you'll be able to push it away.

Just like love, heartbreak isn't forever, which may seem like a lie while you're dealing with it but eventually, you'll come out from that lowest part of the deepest ocean and you'll start learning how to live your life without love, just as you did before you fell for the first time. Never be afraid to fall in love because while it could potentially end with a heartbreak, there is always a possibility of staying in love forever and never experiencing pain. Love is the most beautiful and sometimes the most painful part of life but all of it is definitely worth experiencing. You know what they say, it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

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