I recently fell into the deepest darkest place you could fall into, A never-ending YouTube rabbit hole that seemed inescapable. I view hours of Shane Dawson, Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, and too many more YouTubers. As I was viewing I watched all of the miscellaneous videos from "Buying My Dog Whatever They Sniff," too may conspiracy theory videos, and classic home-makeover videos. At the end I realized what I had done and how much time I had spent doing this, HOURS, to say the least. In the end, I realized how possible it is that cable is dead for our generation.
These creators are making very enjoyable and entertaining content on A FREE app that we have access too right at our fingertips. I also contemplated if I could become one of these creators, but eventually realized I am not creative enough for that, sadly. So, to you YouTube creators out there I commend you for your realistic and relatable videos; that are available to almost everyone! With millions and millions of subscribers, they have great social media influence that the majority of our own and the upcoming generations respond to, very similar to A video-driven version of Odyssey. The vulnerability and confidence the creators on here and YouTube share is something I wish I could do and that I admire.
Through my experience of falling down the rabbit hole of YouTube I have gained A greater appreciation for these creators and was entertained for the price of $0 for hours.