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10 Fall Treats To Eat That Are Not A Pumpkin Spice Latte

There's more to life than pumpkin spice


If you're like me and are totally adverse to everything pumpkin spice, you'll know how annoying it is to see people get hung up on one thing in the fall. NEWS FLASH: There's more to fall than pumpkin spice such as...

1. Apple Cider Donuts...

An apple cider donut is the HOLY GRAIL of fall foods. As soon as the first day of fall hits, you better believe I'm driving to my local farm and picking up a dozen of these bad boys.

2. ...Apple Cider in General...

Also another yummy apple treat and a staple of a good fall bonfire

3. ...Or just a straight-up apple

Just bypass the donut and the cider all together and go apple picking! This is a timeless activity to do with friends or your bae, just find an orchard and go nuts!

4. Pumpkin Pie

This is my favorite type of pie to eat in the fall. And it's so easy to make! Check out a recipe here: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/nancy-fuller/from-scratch-pumpkin-pie-2251073

5. Squash

My roommate said this one, which I only halfway endorse. However, a good bowl of my mom's butternut squash soup on a cold fall evening is one of the best things on the planet.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

These crunchy things are fantastic as an afternoon snack...or really any time of the day you want to eat them, they're perfect.

7. Pumpkin Bread/Muffins

Another one of my favorite fall baked goods that is super easy to make and yummy to boot! Find a recipe here: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/7958/pumpkin-chocolate-chip-muffins/

8. The entire Thanksgiving dinner

Asking around, it seemed like the best fall food was the entirety of Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, warm rolls salad, green beans, I could go on and on. Point is, Thanksgiving is fantastic and Thanksgiving leftovers are even better.

9. Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese is acceptable any time of year. Enough said.

10. Sweet potatoes 

Now before you cringe, let me tell you that roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon, honey, and a touch of rosemary are possibly one of the best things that I've ever eaten. Try them, I promise that you won't regret it.

Remember, you don't have to settle for a PSL this fall season! Break the basic mold and try something new!

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