Fuzzy Pink Cardigan | The Odyssey Online
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15 Cute Fall Sweaters You Need This Sweater Season — From Cable Knits to Thermals

Essential pieces for Fall 2022 sweater season.


With fall 2022 already around the corner, it's time to bring out the flannels, thermals, button-ups, and sweaters that have remained untouched for almost a year. Fall is all about individuality and authenticity, so style these clothing items in whichever way you please.

That being said, I also included a few styling tips for each item to help you get some inspiration and create a mental lookbook. The following fifteen sweaters range from neutral, color block, stripes, cable knit, cashmere, cardigans, and more.

Crème Button Up

Furstenberg's lightweight ivory cable knit cardigan can be layered over dresses and skirts or worn solo with jeans and ankle boots. It fits snug on the upper arm, flares out at the lower arm, and wraps perfectly around the wrist.

Ivory Daisy Embroidered Sweater

Aritzia's ethereal crème knit sweater with dainty daisy embroidery is a versatile piece for fall 2020. With its scoop neckline. it can be paired with tennis skirts, plaid skirts, wrap skirts, and skorts.

Pastel Striped Knit Sweater

The soft pastel color scheme of this cable knit sweater goes well with olive, tan, or crème bottoms. Bubble sleeves add an adorable and youthful touch that makes this sweater different from other striped sweaters.

Crème Tie-Front Cardigan

Beginning Boutique's Crème Tie Front Top is the most versatile piece on this listicle. It can be layered over crop tops, tube tops, bralettes, or even worn alone. Different lengths of chokers and necklaces can complement the low neckline of this top. For a y2k look, pair the top with low waisted jeans or a color block cargo skirt.

Fuzzy Pink Cardigan

Pacsun's fuzzy pink cardigan button-up is essential for fall 2020's sweater season. It's not your typical neutral-colored cable knit sweater.

It has a slightly cropped fit when worn with low rise jeans, but fits to the waistline of high-rise or medium-rise jeans. As seen in the picture above, it can be paired with distressed mom jeans, Nike Air forces, and a giant shoulder bag.

Wide Shoulder Cable Knit

525america's lime green sweater is a must-have piece for this fall. It can be worn off the shoulder with a lace bralette tucked into mom jeans with a statement belt. The vertical knit pattern with the fraying neckline gives this piece a rustic look.

Color Block Sweater

Although color-block makes frequent entrances and exists in fashion, color-block sweaters are always a classic. Vicidoll's brown, black, and crème sweater arranges colors in an eye-catching way, with one sleeve being brown and the other white, and a split midsection with one half being brown and the other one white.

Ivory Vertical Cable Knit

Beginning Boutique's beige cable knit sweater is the epitome of fall fashion. The contrasting direction of the neckline, body, and sleeves pattern add to the intricacy of the sweater. Dress it down by pairing it with jeans and a shoulder bag, or dress it up by wearing it over a dress or tennis skirt.

White Cable Knit Athelia 

Brandy Melville's white knit cable athelia is a twist on the sought after button up athelia top from Brandy. The sweater looks best paired with a plaid cara skirt and shoulder bag, as seen in the picture above, but it can also be dressed down with a pair of jeans and sneakers.

Bubblegum Button Up

Brandy Melville's bubble gum button up sweater is a bold eye-catching clothing item this season. It looks best paired with light wash high-waisted jeans and a black faux leather shoulder bag. You can also dress this item up with a white or baby pink skirt or skort and a crop top with only a few buttons of the sweater done.

Maroon Cable Knit Sweater

Lost and Wander's maroon chunky cable knit sweater can be worn with any style. For a cottage core look, layer it over a midi floral skirt or dress. For a casual look, pair it with distressed skinny or mom jeans, and of course a statement belt.

Plaid Button Up Cardigan

Zaful's black, blue, and white plaid cardigan can be incorporated into countless outfits. As shown in the picture above, it can be worn over a collared button up shirt with a white tennis skirt and an animal print shoulder bag. If you want to spice things up, wear it over a solid colored bandeau or crop top with layered jewelry and a maxi skirt.

Athelia Knit Sweater

Brandy Melville's gray athelia top is an absolute must-have in your fall closet. I have the black version of this top, and I love to wear it with plaid skirts. What I appreciate the most about this top is that it can be worn as a V-neck (first two buttons undone) or it can be worn as a scoop neck (all buttons done).

Fitted Lavender V-neck

Pacsun's fitted lavender V-neck sweater has adorable scrunched sleeves with a ruffled hem. Lavender would go well with light-wash, acid-wash, or black distressed jeans and white sneakers or ankle boots. The neckline would be complemented with layered jewelry (choker and different chain lengths).

Cropped Paige Top

Brandy Melville's cropped Paige top is one of my personal favorites, and it remains a staple in my closet even a year after purchasing it. When I say this item can be paired with absolutely anything, I mean it. Sweatpants, mom jeans, cargo pants, skirts, dresses, skorts, and even leggings can be worn with this top.

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