So the semester is coming to a close, and the first thing that rolls around the corner is Thanksgiving Break, the universal "Beginning of the End."
But it's just a tease, because you spend all your time not eating studying, except when you're eating and studying. Like a champ.
Then, you head back to school for the most test-filled, project-filled, tear-filled, and sleepless 3 days of your life.
But then, that last day of real class hits.
Then Reading Days ensue, which should be for studying, but somehow, the whole school manages to forget that and proceeds to lose their minds.
And every time you open your computer to look at a study guide, you somehow find yourself online shopping only moments later, just longing for Christmas.
But somewhere in there, you find your motivation.
And come the new week, you take that first exam.
And another and another and another.
And just when you think you can't take it anymore, you're finished.
And you get to spend the next month of your life being merry AF you don't have school.