Ah yes, senior year; the year you've either been excited about since you started college because you finally graduate, or have been dreading because there's senior research that you have to do before you graduate (unless you're a business major, lucky people). For most people, senior year is the roughest year of their undergrad career, but it's also the best. It's the best year, because you're going all out before you graduate. I decided to tell the story of senior year by using everyone's favorite TV show: "Friends."
When it's summer and you get emailed the first senior research assignment.
When you move into your apartment/house for the first time.
When you realize it's your last first day of class ever.
When the first game of the football season starts.
When you pull the first all nighter of your senior year.
When you go to your first party of the year.
When you have your first hangover of the year after a long night of partying...
When you realize the first part of your senior research is due...
When it's around Midterms week...
When you're finally on fall break after a long week of midterms...
When you go out to a Halloween party for the last time as an undergrad...
When it's finally HOMECOMING!
And you get to hang out with all of your buddies that have graduated!
When all of your friends are coupled up halfway into your senior year...
Until that person you've had a crush on all year FINALLY asks you out...
But then the date turns into a disaster and you regret every moment of it..
But then as the semester starts to wind down, and homework/classes get more intense, Thanksgiving break comes along...
Then, after Thanksgiving, comes finals week.
Finals week starts to take a toll on you..
But then, finals week is over! Along comes Christmas break...
On one hand, senior year is going to be one of the more stressful years of your lives. Between freaking out about what to do after you graduate and getting shafted with tons of homework each week of the semester, it's rough living. However, it's also going to be memorable, because you'll get to do stuff you will never have the opportunity to do again after you graduate. So make this year the best so far! You never know what'll happen after college (besides grad school and a job), and also enjoy not having to pay back loans, because we all know those suck, especially after you graduate.