I recently began reading a book titled Write it Down, Make it Happen: Knowing what you want and getting it by Henriette Klauser. By recent I mean last night (Wed 10/19/16) and while I have had the book for about two months now, I finally decided to open it and find out just what the secret was. Over the next few weeks I will complete this book and while I could do it in a few days, I want to take my time and take notes. I don’t want to over load my brain with information but instead give it time to register what was read and how it applies and make it stick. I have decided to read one chapter a night about 5-8 pages and while taking notes I have decided to share quotes from the book that made me think and I believe will encourage others to do the same. I also explain briefly the reason I chose to quote the sentence. From reading the very first page in the introduction I knew I would be able to get many quotes from Klauser work, I also found out I would want more of Klauser books.
I have listed 8 quotes that I feel apply to life and making the best of things, why moving towards knowing what WE want and getting it is important!
“The first step is to write it down”
Simply put, if you have a plan it makes obtaining a goal less difficult.As you can tell my expression is done greatly through writing. As I decided to write down some tips and quotes from this book, I immediately knew they would do me justice and the very next day I began writing this article!
“Setting your intent, focusing on the outcome, being clear about what you want in life can make your dreams come true.”
I loved writing this one down, it made me feel in control. I have said this quote about 5 times out loud and I feel even more powerful each time. It reminds me of how far I have come, yet still have to go but if I continue to be clear on my goals and consistent, I can accomplish everything else I want in life as I have thus far.
“Life is a narrative you have a hand in writing”
Something else we all forget or dismiss. As we all have different backgrounds, some of us feel we were given such a challenging life, while others have it easy. Yet we forget, we are all equal, no one is better than the next and no matter your background or situation, you have the choice to shape your life to be as great as you please. Create your own path and walk it proud!
“When you write down a goal, you’ll observe things happening that will make that objective more likely to materialize”- Scott Adams
This hit home, as a new blogger, I have been blogging for a year now and since beginning I have learned a lot. When I began, I wrote out all my ideas in a notebook, along with food recipes and workouts. I began writing and eventually I went from two stories a month, to a story a week. From those stories, I wrote down a goal to build my views and since I have reached 1100 views. It was almost like each thing I wrote down came into play as I was putting in the work to make those things come true.
“Date whatever you write down”
I think this is good to have something to reflect on, as I mentioned before, When I started blogging my goal was to build my audience, had I dated that I could know exactly how long it took me to reach my goal. I did however use the date of my first article and last to compare.
“Building it before he gets there is stepping out in faith, just as writing it down says you believe that its attainable”
If you believe the saying you get back what you put in to the universe then you understand that to work for something doesn't only mean working but having a passion for it. Remember the next time you write down a goal,ask yourself, how does that goal contribute to your sentimental success.
is no Object, and time is not a factor”
To me this translates into saying that everything can't be about money and as long as your alive, time is not a worry!
As these quotes came from the introduction and chapter one, I was given a to do list at the beginning of Chapter one and now I will leave the list below and when you're ready to make the step, write it down and make it happen!
To do:
Compose a list of goals ( at home or a coffee shop)
Put some music on to set the move (something you like that gets your creative juices flowing)
Write,write and write fast!
If you feel the goal is to far-fetched, write it down anyway and put a star next to it. ( Live a little)
No Limits, write as many as you want!