In other states, fall looks and seems like a dream. The leaves change colors and the cool air even starts to smell different. Unfortunately, we Southerners have to silently envy the pleasures of fall that normal states get to indulge in while we continue to brave the heat.
1. The weather refuses to change until Christmas.
We southerners appreciate the heat, but the summer months can be a little extreme. Unfortunately, we still have to wait a while before we get some relief. Summer in the south really lasts about six or seven months, from May-December.
2. The weather goes straight from summer to winter.
In the south, there typically isn't a gradual change of weather. Fall simply doesn't exist in states like Texas. It goes straight from blistering heat to frigid temperatures.
3. The second the temperature drops even the slightest bit, we are busting out our winter clothes.
Anytime the weather dips below 90 degrees in the south, prepare to see everyone in their pants and long sleeves. We've just been suffering through the triple-digit heat for several months, so the slight drop in temperature gets us excited for some cooler weather. Unfortunately, within a couple days, it's back to unbearable heat.
4. The car instantly becomes a sauna the second you shut it off.
We always hope that the official calendar end of the summer season will bring us some relief from the heat, but are always disappointed when we still have to drench our clothes with our sweat while making the short walk from the parked car to our destination.
5. Those delicious hot fall coffee flavors are gonna have to wait.
Despite the burning desire to sip on a hot coffee that tastes like fall, as long as it's still sunny and 100 degrees outside, it just feels like a sin.