As the semester draws to a close, both students and professors alike feel the pressure (or impending doom) of final papers, projects and exams. Everyone is stressed out; tension is high; disagreements are had.
But it's important to understand both sides of the coin and to diligently prepare for the hectic end of the semester.
You have busy lives. With full or partial course loads, the weight of the semester can be crushing and that doesn't even factor in the other parts of your life. You probably have a job, part or full time. You maybe have a family or family obligations. Perhaps you have a relationship to think about. Maybe you've got to pack up to head home. And, let's not forget the ever illusive social life. With so much going on, it's easy to become overwhelmed.
So, you have to be vigilant. Make lists, schedule your time and stick to it. Even if you're less organized and regimented the rest of the year, this is when you buckle down. Complete things one at a time. Get things done ahead of time. Your work will be better and your stress will be lessened.
If things are overwhelming, reach out and ask for help. Chances are your professors will help you. They may even understand your plight. And, own your choices. If you were a lazy student. If you didn't do your work, don't take it out on a professor. Use the realization, instead, to improve your performance next time.
Students sometimes forget that you're human, that you have dozens or hundreds of students. They're focused on passing, not on sparing your feelings. They think you heap on the work at the end of the semester to punish them, not to measure what they've learned throughout your time together.
But, the same advice applies. You'll have hundreds of things to grade in a short span of time. Try to stagger your due dates and then break the work up into easy to digest chunks.
If you're frustrated, take a break. Walk away for a while. You'll remain more objective that way. Don't grade if you're too tired. You'll make mistakes. Don't grade if you're angry. You'll be too harsh. Know and understand that you'll have a short reprieve to recharge once final grades are posted. And, understand that your students may be fragile. They may be on edge.
Ultimately, all of this is much easier said than done. You'll always feel pressure. You'll likely have a large work load. But, if you focus and plan, you'll get through it relatively unscathed.
But, realize that your students (or your professors) are human. You're both busy, overworked even, at the end of the semester. Students, you might have five papers or projects or exams due at the end of the semester. Your professors know that. Professors are the ones grading your work. They might have fifty or the hundred things to grade. They truly understand your plight. So, be kind. Be helpful. Be respectful. And, buckle down to get your work done.