Fall is the season of colors, warm blankets, cuddling and lots of Netflix, whether it's with friends, a significant other, or your dog. Fall is also when football season is in full swing and you bring out sweaters and booties. But what's the best thing about fall? If you ask me it's all about the tricks, the drinks and the treats.
1. Salted Caramel everything!!
Salted caramel is a personal favorite, whether it's in hot chocolate, mocha, or latte form. In general, Starbucks is pretty great, but if you're from a major city, specifically the Memphis area, you should try a local coffee shop like The Ugly Mug on Perkins or Cafe Eclectic by campus.
2. Apple Pie!
Apple pie is the stereotypical dessert that most Americans love or consider the most American dessert, and people even love it so much that poems are written about it.
3. Fudge.
Whether it's chocolate, peanut butter, white chocolate, pumpkin spice, fudge is fudge and it's delicious. Fudge is creamy deliciousness that can be cut with a knife, you get bonus points if it's different colors and shaped like candy corn.
4. Caramel apples!
Carmel apples are the epitome of fair food, I know that I for one get them every year whether I went to the Mid-South Fair when I was younger or the Delta Fair now, caramel apples are a staple.
5. Pumpkin Rolls.
As a hater of pumpkin but a lover of cream cheese I actually enjoy pumpkin rolls. They have a bread like texture rolled into a spherical shape with a layer of cream cheese throughout.
6. Hot Chocolate
Okay so yeah hot chocolate is more of a winter thing, but I'm sorry I kinda love it all the time, the thought of making hot chocolate, cuddling up in a throw blanket and watching a scary movie is the best feeling during the fall whether it's with a significant other or not.
7. Apple Cider
I personally have never had apple cider, but I have heard from a very trustworthy source that it's one of the best drinks you could possibly have. Though I am biased towards apple juice, I'm willing to try anything.
8. Pumpkin Pie
Another trustworthy source, says that it's sweet with a hint of cinnamon. "It tastes like heaven in your mouth", and if that's the case, then I need to try it because that sounds pretty legit.
9. Pecan Pie
As someone who's never had pecan pie, I've never understood the hype, but apparently, it's godsent.
10. PSL
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are the most basic of all basic drinks. I don't like them, but everyone else seems to love them. They're like the creamiest things to ever coat your tongue with deliciousness.
If this doesn't make you excited for football, blankets, bonfires, treats or drinks, then I don't know what to tell you, because I'm getting pretty pumped myself.