Fall In Detroit | The Odyssey Online
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Fall In Detroit

A fall festivity guide.

Fall In Detroit

Everyone loves a Detroit party because a Detroit party doesn't stop. Not even after summer. Summer is quickly fading into fall, which will officially arrive on Wednesday. Detroit and surrounding areas come alive during the fall season bringing festivals, football, and Halloween. This guide will help you make the most of autumn in Detroit.


The Detroit Lion's football season has already started

View the full schedule here to get your game on.

Detroit Restaurant Week: September 18-27

Detroit's top dining destinations are set to offer specially priced three-course dinners for only $35 per person. See the complete list of restaurants.

Funky Ferndale Art Fair and DIY Street Fair: September 25-27

Featuring 120 Artists, located Nine Mile Road at Woodward.

Detroit Fashion Week: September 27- October 4

DFW will launch with a series of trunk shows at Royal Oak's In-Style fashion showcase on September 27 and explode with couture shoes in Detroit at Campus Marius October 2-4.

Michigan Renaissance Festival in Holly: Every weekend through October 4

Take a time-travel adventure into the 16th century with this 17-acre village, complete with building reproduction of Renaissance shops, taverns, and a magnificent castle.


Apples, cider, donuts, and pumpkins...oh my! October 1- All fall long

No fall would not be complete without a trip to your favorite cider mill/apple orchard/pumpkin patch. A summary of spots to check out here.

Great Lakes Chili Cook-Off: October 4

Visit Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth, along with a motorcycle show, live bands, kids activities, food, and vendor booths. All money raised from this event goes to local charities.

Redford Theatre screenings: October 10- All October long

The Redford is the perfect way to spend the night out for any movie buff, or anyone looking to experience a movie in old Hollywood glam.

Fall color tour - October 15 (Mid-late October)

Every fall, you have to set aside some time to take in the colorful scenery. There are plenty of fall color tours here, including metro Detroit-area highlights like Kensington, Metropark, Stony Creek Metropark, and Belle Isle.

Halloween Parties: (Mid-late October)

For a full list of parties, visit Detroit Halloween Parties.

Theatre Bizarre: October 17-18

Detroit's most highlighted Halloween party at The Masonic Temple. The annual masquerade party is a Detroit staple. For more information and ticket prices, check it out here.

Detroit Free Press Talmer Bank Marathon: October 17-18

For registration and other event information, visit here.

Detroit Fall Beer Festival: October 24-25

Join the Michigan Brewers Guild at Eastern Market for one the largest all-Michigan tastings around. For more information and to buy tickets, visit here.


Thanksgiving Day Parade: November 27

A Detroit tradition that marks the end of fall and the onset of winter.

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