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5 Chicago Events To Get You In The Mood For Fall

Through the cozy months of October & November, explore the Windy City's fall-themed festivals, shows, markets, and parades.

5 Chicago Events To Get You In The Mood For Fall

Fall is undoubtedly the best season (don't argue with me on this), especially when you're experiencing it in the big city. The air is crisp, the leaves have turned a golden yellow, and your favorite tastes of pumpkin & apple are finally back in stores. Unfortunately, this euphoric state of mind lasts only for a few weeks, leaving the rest of the year a cold, heartless pit of depression (aka winter). To make the most out of your favorite time of the year, check out some of Chicago's craziest holiday celebrations for the months of October & November!

1. Haunted Halsted Halloween Parade (Oct. 31st)

Join the neighborhood ghouls, ghosts, and gremlins for a wicked nighttime parade down Halsted! Rumor has it, there's a 4,000 grand-prize costume contest judged by the city's most fabulous drag queens! You can't miss out on this one.

2. Jack's Pumpkin Nights (Oct. 7th - Nov. 4th)

For four weeks only, this interactive pop-up event is open to the city of Chicago to enjoy a festive, fun-filled night out. Book your tickets in advance to experience a spooky maze, dozens of instragramable sets, and BOO-zy adult drinks after 7pm!

3. Spooky Zoo at the Lincoln Park Zoo (Oct. 27th)

Children (and adults) are invited to the Lincoln Park Zoo for a one-day-only costume, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treat extravaganza - but the festivities don't stop there! A ferris-wheel, animal enrichment activities, a corn maze, and live entertainment are completely FREE to the public! It's an offer you can't refuse.

4. Drake Hotel Masquerade Ball (Oct. 27th)

Whoever said adults can't dress up for Halloween is wrong on so many levels. Grab your friends, your mask, and your ballgown, and head over to the historical Drake Hotel for a mystical night of drinks and dancing!

5. Dia de los Muertos ​Xicago​ (Oct. 28th)

Come celebrate 'The Day of the Dead' in the most authentic way with the Mexican Museum of Art! From 3-8pm, the neighborhood of Pilsen transforms its surroundings into a commemorative festival full of face painting, live Mariachi bands, arts & crafts, and traditional DotD bread called "pan de muerto".

Fall is undoubtedly the best season (don't argue with me on this), especially when you're experiencing it in the big city. The air is crisp, the leaves have turned a golden yellow, and your favorite tastes of pumpkin & apple are finally back in stores. Unfortunately, this euphoric state of mind lasts only for a few weeks, leaving the rest of the year a cold, heartless pit of depression (aka winter). To make the most out of your favorite time of the year, check out some of Chicago's craziest holiday celebrations for the months of October & November!
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