Now that it's officially Fall, there are so many things that I want to do. Autumn is my favorite season, I love the chilly days and the way the world changes color as it prepares for Winter. I get to wear cute clothes and drink hot coffee all the time without sweating, it's basically the most wonderful time of the year if you ask me. Here are the things that I try to accomplish every time Fall comes around.
1. Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Call me basic if you must, but every time they unveil the PSL, I have to get at least one. My budget doesn't call for $5 lattes all the time, but I do always try to bring in the new season with a nice warm Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.
2. Cute Sweaters.
I. Love. Sweaters. My fall attire usually consists of jeans and plain tops paired with one of my favorite sweaters. I tend to stay pretty cold, so when sweater weather rolls around, I get excited.
3. Fall Festivities.
Whether it's going to a farm to pick a pumpkin, or going to my local fall festival, I try to be out and about doing something that only comes around this time of year. You can find me usually with a cup of apple cider in my hands, too.
4. Bon Fires.
Growing up, we would have bonfires all the time. I loved going outside and sitting around the fire with my friends and family. Making s'mores, telling stories, it's one of my favorite activities!
5. Halloween.
Halloween is just around the corner, and that means people doing the absolute most. I don't usually go all out for Halloween, but I do appreciate everyone who does. If you spend more than 5 hours on your costume or your decorations, you get an A in my book. Plus, who doesn't love Halloween candy?
6. Cooking for Thanksgiving.
I love cooking. I also love to eat. Naturally, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I try to help out every year as best as I can. You can find my mom and I in the kitchen cooking for hours every year, trying to get the food done and ready to bring to my Nana's house. Fall isn't complete without Thanksgiving.
7. Mountain Trip.
Ever since moving to South Carolina, i have loved taking trips to the mountains. The fall is the best time to go because the colors are beautiful, and the cool temperatures make for enjoyable hiking. My sister and I go with our cameras and try to get the best photos we can.
8. Soup.
I love soup, and I can eat it year round. However, it is much more satisfying in the fall. I just got a new crockpot this summer, so I will be stepping up my soup making game this year. There's nothing better than a hot bowl of soup or stew on a crisp fall day.