The 22nd of September marked the beginning of fall, which means that summer is finally over with! After a long season of scorching hot weather, you can finally break out your flannels and sweaters! There are so many things to love about fall and to look forward to! Some of you who think summer is the best season may be wondering, what's so great about fall? Here are eight reasons why most students at Miami University in Oxford think fall is the best season of the year on campus.
1. Oxford campus has the most gorgeous scenery during fall.
The best thing about fall is that you can enjoy the scenery on campus! Miami has tons of gorgeous huge trees that turn into a mirage of different colors when leaves start to fall. It almost takes away some of the stress of midterms when you find time to stop on your way to class and appreciate the view. It makes fall one of the best times to visit the Miami Oxford campus!
2.  The fashion of wearing flannels and sweaters begins.
The best part of fall is that you can finally trade your shorts for jeans and sweaters. Fall clothing is the best, especially when you find yourself wanting to wear something relaxing to class. You can finally wear yoga pants without sweating or wear a comfy sweater during the cooler part of autumn. And flannels are another type of clothing that you can wear with a pair of black jeans on campus. You can even finally wear your cardigan to class. Fall fashion is one of the best things about fall!
3. You finally can enjoy pumpkin-flavored beverages.
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash
If you love pumpkin spice, then you know that fall is the only time where you can find beverages that are flavored with it. There are so many different types of beverages that are pumpkin spice flavored! Just go to the Starbucks on campus and you'll find tons of different pumpkin spice beverages to choose from like the pumpkin spice latte.
4. Being able to drink hot chocolate or coffee
Another thing to enjoy about fall is that you can finally start drinking hot chocolate or hot coffee without sweating outside. Since during fall the temperatures become cooler, you can enjoy a lot of hot beverages that may have sounded unappealing during the summer!
 5.  Fun fall campus activities
There are a lot of things you can do on campus during the fall! There may, for example, be Halloween parties on campus or scary movie nights. You can also visit Butterfield Farms or go to the Apple Butter Festival in Hueston Woods!
6. The Holiday Auto Theater Drive-In
If you've never been to the Holliday Auto Theater Drive-In in Hamilton before Halloween, you need to schedule a trip there soon! The drive-in at Hamilton is really fun to go to before Halloween! The staff dress up in scary costumes and try to scare you while you're in your car or simply just driving up to get tickets for the movie. They can pop up at your car window anytime during the movie and will often dress up as whatever monster or killer is in the movie that you're watching. They will also chase you if you decide to get popcorn during intermission.
It's a lot of fun for anyone who loves getting scared or watching their friends jump every second! It's also great if you need something to take their mind off midterms.
7. Enjoy eating fall candy
Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash
I don't know about you, but one of my favorite things about fall is that I can finally enjoy eating candy corn. Candy corn is one of my favorite types of candy, and it's not as easy to find or as enjoyable to eat during other seasons. During fall, there are a lot of different types of candy or sweets that you can only enjoy during the season. For example, during fall you can find more freshly-made caramel apples being sold at stores than usual. There are also different types of ice cream that you can get that are fall flavored. So, when you're stressing over your midterms, you can enjoy eating any of your favorite fall sweets or candies!
 8. Breaking out the Halloween music or movies as a stress reliever
If you find yourself stressed over assignments and you enjoy Halloween, you can turn on some Halloween music or find a few scary movies to watch. There are so many different types of songs that are perfect for getting you in the mood for Halloween including "Thriller" or "This is Halloween." There are also a lot of scary movies that you can find on Netflix that are perfect to watch if you need to get your mind off of assignments. Anyone who says that they hate fall has obviously missed out on listening to "Thriller"and hanging out with their friends and watching scary movies right before Halloween.
As you can see, fall is one of the best seasons on Miami's campus. Sure winter can be nice with the snow and the Christmas season. But fall is when you don't have to particularly deal with cold weather or super hot weather. You get weather that's cool enough to be comfortable, and wearing a comfy sweater or cardigan to class is a lot better than wearing shorts to a class that jacks up the air conditioning. There are so many things to do in fall at Miami!