This week my deadlines all seem to be creeping up on me...
Have you ever had any days like that?
It seems like you have weeks before your assignments are due but then you turn around and suddenly, you have an hour to finish all the pending plans?
Yeah... That was me this week...
I had been going about a thousand miles a minute and suddenly everything I had been waiting to do was on it's way, passing me by.
I've planned out a lot of things -- that is true. I've set everything on a minute-by-minute basis but then again some things just don't follow their paths.
I've never really had problems with being overwhelmed. Most things come extremely easy for me, I've never had a problem with Algebra, it's easy come easy go. English and grammar has been a breeze. I could always write papers at the drop of a hat.
But this week... This week it was as if all of those talents had just disappeared... As if into thin air...
The papers that were due took me forever to write, the literature stories I loved seemed to pull me down, and I could no longer live in my story book world.
Things go hard...
But you know what... That's okay... Things don't have to be easy...
In fact, sometimes the harder something is the more you enjoy it. As I've been writing papers and struggling to find words, the words have been finding me.
In the silences that have invaded my space, I find the songs I need to sing. That is truly what this is all about.
This whole life, everything we do, everything we face. It is put their for the reason of finding our heart's song.
The song unique to your heart, to your voice.
So sing your song without delay and never fear the time it takes to create.
I promise you, it will be worth it!