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The Definitive Guide To Your Fall 2018 Outfits

From bold colors to busy prints, this guide will show you what you need in your Fall 2018 wardrobe.

The Definitive Guide To Your Fall 2018 Outfits

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Ladies, it's time to put those distressed jean shorts and floral pieces away, because it is officially fall. From bold colors to throwback styles, this fall is coming in with a bang in the fashion industry. Here's your guide to all the latest pieces to put into your collection:

1. Gloss...Not Lip Gloss


Gloss pieces hit the runways this year – anywhere from pants to full trench coats – and it was high-shine from head to toe. Whether it's vinyl, latex, plastic, or leather, this fall style is bringing a bolder look for women in 2018.

2. Super Shoulders  


Now, everyone knows that history repeats itself, and fashion is just another candidate. Last fall, cold-shoulder tops were the talk of every retail store, but those pieces might be sitting on the side line this season because the 80's are back. Shoulders are going to be the most accentuated body part this fall with exaggerated shoulders in many jackets.

3. Plaid, Plaid, & More Plaid 


We've seen the intro of plaid into this past spring's collection, and don't worry, they are here to stay. Plaid was usually just one piece of an outfit, whether it was your pants or your top. However, this fall expect plaid head-to-toe and mixing different plaid colors and materials.

4. Dark to Bold 


Speaking of colors, if you usually stick to the darker colors like grey and black, it's time to hit the mall. Bold colors and busy prints will make your outfit this fall. Fuchsia (the millennial pink) and Red are your go-to's this fall to add a pop of color in your collection. Not a fan of colors? Zebra, Leopard, and almost an busy print will be your chance to get loud in any silhouette.

5. Need to up the shoe game just a little bit? Here are your staple pieces for your shoe collection this fall


Love them or hate them, kitten heels have made a come back, from flats to boots, expect this small height change around town.

The trend of modern ballet flats continue. While you pay have your go to flats, try getting a flat in one of the previously mentioned prints or colors to have subtle yet trendy addition to your outfit.

From every day wear to business casual, loafers continue to become a popular piece in every women's closet. Black glossy loafers with a slight gold piece for your business wearers and a leap

Let's make this fall just a little bit brighter with all these trendy pieces!

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