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Everything You Need To Know For Fake Patty's In Manhattan, KS

An in-depth guide to survive The Little Apple's best fake holiday.

Everything You Need To Know For Fake Patty's In Manhattan, KS
Saige Masonhall

Some of you may not know what "Fake Patty's" is, and for that I am sorry. It is the best fake holiday that has come to the town of Manhattan. It occurs the week before St. Patrick' s Day, so this year it will be happening the first week of March. It is a whole day designated to celebrating St. Patrick's Day in The Little Apple.

Whether this is your first time coming up for the holiday or not, these are some things you should keep in mind throughout the day.

1. Uber/Lyft rides...

Good luck trying to get anywhere in a timely manner and not breaking the bank. The best idea is to find a personal designated driver or just walk.

2. Water

Make sure you are drinking water throughout the whole day, when you start celebrating at 8 a.m. it can be hard to last the whole day. Just remember, you can't sprint a marathon!

3. Food

When you start so early in the morning, you cannot forget to eat! The best idea my friends and I had was to bring snacks and order Jimmy Johns or Pizza Shuttle to wherever we were.

4. Preparing the night before

Make sure you get plenty of rest for the day ahead... It will be a long one! Set out your outfit so you won't have to worry about it in the morning. Also, make sure you have breakfast plans because if you are going to be drinking all day you will need to start with a big breakfast.

5. Cops

The cops are super strict and out everywhere this whole weekend. Just make sure you are cautious of them and aren't drinking in plain sight or they will catch you!

6. Nap & rally

Since you are starting so early, you will defiantly have to plan for nap time. The party never really stops for some people, and that can work in your favor. After your nap, get ready to go out later that night and do it all again.

7. Plan out your day before hand 

You may not stick to these plans, but it's good to have an idea of where you want to go and do throughout the day.

8. Weather

The weather never likes to cooperate, so be prepared for anything. Last year the weather was perfect, but the year before it was snowing... You never know what you're going to get.

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