Growing up my mom always told my sister and I that we would always find our life long friends in college. Now at the time I didn't really want to listen to her because the friends I had then were all I needed. But as I got older and some friends came and went, I began to realize my mom was right. Well, she's usually always right but that's not the point. Being almost halfway through my junior year of college, I look back at the friends I made freshman year till now. Some friendships stayed pretty solid while others faded out.
However, I also realized that some of the people I became really close to were people I didn't really expect to have such a positive influence in my life. For example, I now have this one great friend in particular who I knew about our freshman year, but we never really have any interactions with one another. Therefore my only impressions of her where from what I had heard from other people or just from what I had seen on my own. Fast forward two years and I can now honestly say she's one of my lifelong best friends. I think the clicking moment for us was really when her and I sat down over dinner and just had a casual conversation about life. We sat there talking for so long we probably annoyed our waitress. For the longest time we talked about anything and everything like boys, college, our family, our faith, and our love for food. After we had left I realized that my mom was right about these friendships.
Now after my new friend and I bonded we had people questioning how we became such good friends and my answer was simple. We talked. If we hadn't had that conversation I don't think we would be where we are today. This goes for any of the people I became closer with while other friends faded out. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason, good or bad. Friendships come and go because certain people will be in your life for certain reasons. The people who were meant to be in your life will always be there no matter what. Whether they've been your best friend since the 4th grade (shoutout to you Kayla) or if you became best friends after they accidentally gave you a concussion, never take them for granted. Faithful friends are something special.
"Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth." - Sirach 6: 14-15