I've been doing some reflecting lately after watching a sermon that a friend sent me. The speaker discussed that faith and expectation are meant to coexist, but in reality, most people tend to lack one or the other.
In my case, I've realized that I've fallen into the trap of having faith but no expectation. What is faith without expectation? Hm. Probably a pretty insufficient faith.
Here's how that concept played out in my life: I can genuinely say that I have been earnestly seeking the Lord. I have been spiritually awakened to acknowledge that nothing compares to God's love for me. I have faith in His plans for me, in His timing, and in His provisions for my life.
But when it comes to expecting transformations or big things to occur to glorify His kingdom, I am at a loss. How can I have faith that He is going to open the eyes of my friends if I don't expect Him to move through me? How can I have faith that my future is headed in the right direction if I don't expect God to give me all the resources I will need along the way? How can I have faith that His plans are better than my own if I don't expect them to be?
If I want to see a radical change in my life I need to start expecting it. If I'm not expecting my scars to be healed, my heart to be transformed, my experiences to be used for His glory, then do I really have faith in the sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing, beautiful and everlasting God?
Start expecting, followers of Jesus!
Life is too short for your faith to become complacent. To transform a lukewarm faith into a faith on fire for Jesus we need to start expecting the unexpected.
Too many times I have heard a friend talk about a parent, a roommate, or relative that does not know the Lord and say "they're a lost cause; there's no hope." But if I have learned anything throughout my spiritual journey, it is to never say never. Take the story of Paul the apostle. He went from murderous rage against Christians to being full of love towards God and His people.
Start expecting.
Our God is the God of the seas, the mountains, and the galaxies. Surely He can help you overcome the giant in your life. Everything God has shown us is enough to overcome our uncertainties, our fears, our insecurities, and our battles.
We serve a faithful God. He will carry out His promises in His perfect timing. Therefore, we can no longer offer the excuse that God is not faithful- the reality is we are hesitant to trust in His goodness and take faith in his provisions for us. Start expecting!
A role model in my life recently said, "You can't wait for God to do everything necessary because that's not faith."
The bottom line is that faith cannot truly exist without expectation. If you want a faith that moves mountains, start expecting God to fulfill His promises.