One of my favorite individuals from the Old Testament is Abraham. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul commends Abraham for his faith: "So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift. And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live according to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham's. For Abraham is the father of all who believe" (English Standard Version). For those who are unfamiliar with Abraham and his role in the Bible, he is the father of the Jewish people. In the book of Genesis, the Lord said to Abraham to leave his country and his people and travel to the land later revealed as Canaan. In return, God would supply him with land, descendants and a great name. Abraham "went as the Lord had told him," and the writer in the book of Hebrews enshrined Abraham's name on the Hall of Faith. Some of you may be asking: "What does a guy who lived 4000 years ago have anything to do with my current situation?"
About two weeks ago, I decided to step away and resign from an eight-week paid position at a camp due to personal reasons. For only eight weeks, this job paid very well. This August, I am moving out of my house and financing my own apartment. This temporary job was going to supply me with temporary financial security, while I searched for a full-time job. However, after certain events at this camp, I knew that God wanted me to leave. I prayed about it, went back and forth with it with God, and then followed His command and walked away. For myself, who recently graduated from Geneva College and needed the money, this was not an easy decision.
I'm very well aware that there are individuals my age and even older who are facing difficult situations, whether this be financial, relational, spiritual and even emotional. When life is easy and everything is going according to plan, it is easy to say: "I have faith in God to supply all of my needs." In the times that are not so good, we humans have a tendency to shake our fist at God and say, "why are you doing this to me?" "I obeyed all of your commands. I go to church every Sunday. Why, God, why?" Over the past week and over a month past my transition from college, I have begun to challenge myself to have a faith like Abraham. From what the Bible tells us, Abraham did not have any sort of relationship with God at this point. However, he choose to obeythe voice of God and trust God to work out all the details later. Who says we cannot follow God's lead and strive for that faith like Abraham today? Here are some things that I am attempting to follow as I search for this faith:
1. Cast All of Your Anxiety on God
Certainly easier said than done. 1 Peter 5:7 states: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (New International Version.) God has your plan all figured out already! He knows how you are felling right now! Say a quick prayer and ask God to take away your anxiety.
Pray: Dear God, you know exactly what I am currently facing in my life today. Please help me to realize that you are the great provider. You are the great deliver. Please deliver me from my anxiety and help me to rely on you today. Thank you, God.
2. Run Your Race
Just because God knows the plan for your life does not mean that He is going to just drop it on your lap because you are a Christian. 1 Corinthians 9:24 states: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize" (New International Version.)
Live your life the way you know in your heart that would please God. Work hard, stay faithful and God will work out the rest.
Maybe then we can have a faith like Abraham.