"Faith is the art of holding on to things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances." - C.S. Lewis
Have you ever ruminated about your spirituality or even considered about your purpose in this world? This topic is difficult for most people to grasp because it can lead to two diverse responses. One, most people find the ideology of spirituality can be monotonous and a tedious effort to strive for, or the opposite, that most like-minded people wrestle with, is the incertitude of what to believe in; what is false and true, why or how some people believe in what they follow and practice daily, and primarily who they are.
Now to clear the atmosphere, I am not talking about finding religion or forcing doctrines made by men upon people, nor am I talking about earthly philosophies. I am addressing the mere importance of having faith. Faith is like the wind, you can't necessarily see the wind, but you know it's there. Faith is a moral compass that will give you bearings in life when you're lost. Faith is a relationship, which helps you find camaraderie in small groups. Faith is a ventilator that helps you breathe in a toxic world. Faith initially, is a step into the deep unknown in everyday life.
Many of you are asking yourselves how do I find faith or the right faith, or maybe some of you believe that faith is less important and would rather find motives somewhere else. Some are determining if there is any faith left in a corrupted and mad world. It's easy to turn to distractions that can lead you astray and leave you famished for your innermost desires that your spirit requires. No doubt, that the pain or confusion that some of you may be experiencing, may be the undernourishment of joy that your very essence needs.
There is no remedy or concoction or equation to acquiring faith through materialistic values, but instead through belief. There is courage and indeed strength when a person leans not on their own understanding, but on principles that our beyond nature and supernatural aspects. Maybe, just maybe, there is a God or a being out there who created all of existence and who enables us the ability to strive towards a joy that isn't blind or left with grey areas, but filled with clarity and foresight to feel, to create, to share. Maybe I'm just speaking humdrum nonsense that is not appealing to a general audience. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong with what I believe in, nor do I condemn the beliefs of others, rather I gain perspective. A proverb that most people can benefit wisdom from is "understand to be understood." As simplistic as it sounds, if you want to obtain perspective on a living faith, then practice humbleness and put yourself in a position of openness to gain true faith that satisfies the soul and reflects character to the world that will radiate love and ultimately grow a beautiful, healthy, garden of Eden, namely, You.
LifestyleDec 19, 2016
Faith Beyond Intellectual Comprehension
Are your beliefs grounded by your mind or your heart?