Once upon a time, there was a young girl. She lived each and every day in pure bliss. Her perfect family kept her perfectly happy and safe. She was warm, fed, and loved very very much. She thought that her life was wonderful, and she was absolutely right.
When she turned 4, she started school. Naturally of course, she excelled. She loved learning, reading, and the teacher. Of course, she was perfectly well behaved. Anything else would be terribly unreasonable. As such a good, talented child, she was adored by her parents and the teacher. Everyone loved her. All the other kids wanted to be her and swarmed her wherever she went, hoping for a touch of affection from her.
As she got a bit older, she started sports. She tried every single one. And she excelled at them all. How could she not? She was perfect, after all! In team sports, everyone wanted her. In single sports, everyone watched in awe at her perfect skills, as she crushed whomever she competed against. And they were not mad or sad to lose, after all they were fortunate to have simply experienced competing against her. Everyone loved her.
In high school, she was Queen of the school. She had all the best friends from every circle and could command anything and everything that she wanted. But she was very gracious, she thought, to not command anything of them that would be impractical or harmful to anyone. So long as she got what she needed anyway. But no matter, she was beloved by all, and her power was seemingly endless.
Senior year, she was homecoming queen, prom queen, won the state championship in all her sports, got into all the schools she applied for, and was valedictorian. Her parents were very proud. Her teachers were very proud. Her friends were all very proud. Everyone loved her very much.
She could tell just how much everyone loved her because they would constantly do nice things for her. They praised her every action and gave her anything should could ever want. Her favor earned them praise and love from those around her. Her lot in life was utterly perfect and everyone would always love her no matter what. There was no way that they feared her. They obviously wanted to be around her. There was no way they were jealous, they always said such nice things. There was no way they were untruthful, for she knew each and every person’s story, their beliefs, and their secrets. And she loved them all very much. And they all loved her very much.
She thought this each and every day.
Then suddenly, the world exploded. Glass flew all around her. Fire engulfed her home, her school, her whole world. Pain racketed through her and she heard screaming. Everything burned to the bone. The world as she knew it was clearly ending. The pain burned her up and up into ashes and smoke and everything ceased to be.
Until, she woke up shivering and cold, naked and alone in the middle of a snow filled forest.